SRCDS Steam group

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What is intends to deliver you a relevant set of information to install, configure and maintain Half-Life 2 (Source) based servers, including its mods. Setting up a Source Dedicated Server for the first time can be a puzzling experience. You will encounter terms like 'cvars', 'tickrates' and 'plugins'. We try to guide you through this process and push you into the right direction. Soon you too will become professional admin!

Popular threads
With the help of Google Analytics and MyBB statistics we compile a chart of topics every hour. Hot external traffic include the threads that draw a lot of visitors by Google or other websites. Hot internal traffic means the traffic of visitors clicking around on the SRCDS forums. With 'hot topics', we try to predict rising forum threads. This may come in handy for new mod server releases or on-going events. Some of our latest relevant topics that might interest you:

Hot topics
[TIPS] Running a fully successful server
Alright, so it's almost 10am, I've been up all night, just setup my 11th server on my current...
Tutorial: How to setup a TF2 server
This is based on my experience with setting up a server from scratch, IE I didnt know anything...
Free June 2023 calendar in PDF format
If you need a practical june calendar with a great design, I advise you to use our site. From the...
Off Topic
gmod port forwarding help required
Please i really need some help, i've been searching allover google for answers but the answers i...
SRCDS - Windows
Team Fortress 2 - guide server.cfg
hostname "blah blah" sv_rcon_banpenalty "0" sv_rcon_log "1" sv_rcon_maxfailures...
Running a Server and Playing on The Same Computer
Ok, for many questions lately, I've had to answer that it is bad to run SRCDS and play on the same...
SRCDS - General
High tickrate and rate SRCDS FAQ
Up to date version can be found here:...
Off Topic
server.cfg resource thread
Please post here your server.cfg snippets and information...
Mani Admin Plugin Installation/Configuration Tutorial
This tutorial is old and has been replaced by a new, complete and up to date tutorial over...
Hot topics
To use sv_downloadurl you have to do a couple of things. Ok lets say you have 3 sounds and 1 map...
SRCDS Guardian 3.0
I took some time to tweak my SRCDS Guardian tool. No major changes. Mostly I just cleaned up the...
Programs and Utilities
[v2.3.1.0] SRCDS Admin - manage your Source servers (now supports auto-update))
SRCDS Admin is now seDirector. Click here to be taken to the new topic....
Programs and Utilities
TF 2 Server Install
wget chmod +x...
SRCDS - Linux
Player rate tracking system using Linux's firewall (iptables)
Low rate tracking system Description The Low Rate Tracking System kicks/bans laggy low rate...
SRCDS - Linux
Game Control Panel (GCP) list
Hi. Here is a list of game control panels available. This thread was orginally started by...
The Admins Pit
HL1 & HL2 Booster Library
Hello All, Awhile back I released an open source library called "LibSource". This is nothing more...
SRCDS - Linux
Cant get on server from internet
Hey guys I hope this is an easy fix, but im planning on a running an old 1.4ghz box as a CSS server...
SRCDS - Linux
Post all issues with A2C_PRINT here. All other threads about this issue will be locked. (There were...
SRCDS - General
Query a server with PHP
I will provide 2 php functions which you can use to query a server and then format the query...

Hot tutorials
[TIPS] Running a fully successful server  
Tutorial: How to setup a TF2 server  
High tickrate and rate SRCDS FAQ  
Query a server with PHP  
sv_downloadurl tutorial questions and suggestions  
Tutorial: How to setup a DOD:S server  
[Plug-ins] Installing Mani Admin Plugin  
TF2 RCON Command Guide.  
[Windows] How to install a Left 4 Dead Server  
[Linux]: Linux 1000fps Kernel Howto  
Hot new topics
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