SRCDS Steam group

Post all issues with A2C_PRINT here.
All other threads about this issue will be locked. (There were about 5-10 open posts on this)
~ Mooga ...w00t? - on Twitter
[Image: 76561197965445574.png]
Please do not PM me for server related help
fqdn Wrote:if you've seen the any of the matrix movies, a game server is not all that different. it runs a version of the game that handles the entire world for each client connected. that's the 2 sentence explanation.
Thank goodness. I thoroughly believe this is an issue that has been recognized by Valve, and is in the works of getting fixed. We should mostly play the waiting game on this.
yea i mean seriously? like it matters people, your game server should run perfectly fine just with those messages thou.
My name is Valentinez Alkalinella Xifax Sicidabohertz Gombigobilla Blue Stradivari Talentrent Pierre Andri Charton-Haymoss Ivanovici Baldeus George Doitzel Kaiser the Third - Don't hesitate to call.
(03-06-2010, 11:36 AM)killklli Wrote:  yea i mean seriously? like it matters people, your game server should run perfectly fine just with those messages thou.

They are complaining that it is not showing up in the master list and people cant connect...
Looking for a game server? Visit and pick one up as low as $2.50 / mo!
#5 <-- An A2C_Print thread. Everything needed to be known about the error is in this forum, but don't post in it as the mods want people to keep all of the a2c print error talk in this post
I see it on CS:S only, I do not see the issue on TF2, however.
Argh, mates, I'm getting the same problem... D':
(03-06-2010, 01:34 PM)loopyman Wrote:  
(03-06-2010, 11:36 AM)killklli Wrote:  yea i mean seriously? like it matters people, your game server should run perfectly fine just with those messages thou.

They are complaining that it is not showing up in the master list and people cant connect...

well all my servers are getting that error and im not having any provblems all the peps stay connected
My name is Valentinez Alkalinella Xifax Sicidabohertz Gombigobilla Blue Stradivari Talentrent Pierre Andri Charton-Haymoss Ivanovici Baldeus George Doitzel Kaiser the Third - Don't hesitate to call.
I think the problem is that some master servers are not connecting (BASED ON REGIONS).

I have had a significant drop in clients to my servers...

I had usually 18/18 ... but now I struggle to get 10 since the errors started...
I am also experiencing this problem. My customer servers all have the same issue. I have noticed that the servers sometimes are on the masterlist, and sometimes not...
Slå den med jeres fiberforbindelser...

[Image: 1308107839.png]
Yeah I have the same issues.
So we all agree that many people are having the same problems? Okay then...
Looking for a game server? Visit and pick one up as low as $2.50 / mo!
Yessir Wink
I noticed that srcds wrote the ip:port of the master servers add the end of my server.cfg. After removing the ones that got me the error (3 out of 5) i have not not seen the error for an hour now. Maybe you should check your configs for setmaster add ip:port if any bad challange servers are added.
This ones gave me no trouble for dods so far:

//Steam Masterserver
setmaster add
setmaster add
setmaster add
Why define master servers when srcds allocates them on start up anyway?
Looking for a game server? Visit and pick one up as low as $2.50 / mo!

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