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server.cfg resource thread
nizate, you will always have your server start up with the LAN IP and will always show as a LAN server to everyone on your network. It will only show up as internet for the rest of the world.
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i have tryed everything but i still get couldn't exec server.cfg plz help im hopeless
Join the Source Dedicated Server Support Group on Steam Community!
Source Dedicated Server (SRCDS)
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Anyone know how i make it so everyone only uses knives??
And does the server still run if you close the Source thing??
Ronano Wrote:Anyone know how i make it so everyone only uses knives??
And does the server still run if you close the Source thing??

go over to and get a mod for controlling equipment.
I have a problem with server.cfg too(and I think some more).I have placed my server.cfg into C:\srcds\cstrike\cfg I have checked for the right name but when I try to load it says couldnt exec server.cfg.Here is my console[Image: my.php?image=98440162qu0.png]
Are you sure the file is int he right folder and are your sure it's "server.cfg" and not "server.cfg.txt" ?
~ Mooga ...w00t? - on Twitter
[Image: 76561197965445574.png]
Please do not PM me for server related help
fqdn Wrote:if you've seen the any of the matrix movies, a game server is not all that different. it runs a version of the game that handles the entire world for each client connected. that's the 2 sentence explanation.
Mooga Wrote:Are you sure the file is int he right folder and are your sure it's "server.cfg" and not "server.cfg.txt" ?

Ok my fault problem solved.
Methodman Wrote:[quote=Mooga]
Are you sure the file is int he right folder and are your sure it's "server.cfg" and not "server.cfg.txt" ?

how do i make it to server.cfg ? and noot server.cfg.txt? i cant exec server.cfg :S
In SRCDS, if you have server.cfg in your cfg folder, it would automatically run. If it doesn't, try reinstalling SRCDS, or make an autoexec.cfg, and put the command exec server.cfg in it.
Beaverbeliever Wrote:In SRCDS, if you have server.cfg in your cfg folder, it would automatically run. If it doesn't, try reinstalling SRCDS, or make an autoexec.cfg, and put the command exec server.cfg in it.

i have server.cfg in the corect folder but it wen i start the server it stands couldent exec server.cfg
Here is a 24/7 (any map) insta spawn server.cfg (version of this cfg is 30/05/2009)

Notes: (Needed to change to suit your server/setup)
-Server Name
-Rcon Password
-Download URL's
-Contact Email for server.

Hope this has not been duplicated in this thread.

// Team Fortress 2 Server Configuration File, To be used with TF2 only!

// Server Name
hostname "24/7 MAP NAME [Insta Spawn!]"

// Rcon Cvars
rcon_password "ENTER PASSWORD BETWEEN THE QUOTATION MARKS HERE" //Set's remote control password
sv_rcon_banpenalty 5 //Number of minutes to ban users who fail rcon authentication
sv_rcon_log 1 //Enable/disable rcon logging.
sv_rcon_maxfailures 3 //Max number of times a user can fail rcon authentication before being banned
sv_rcon_minfailures 5 //Number of times a user can fail rcon authentication in sv_rcon_minfailuretime before being banned
sv_rcon_minfailuretime 10 //Number of seconds to track failed rcon authentications

// Server Password
sv_password "" // Password protects server

// Server Cvars
mp_allowspectators 0 //Toggles whether the server allows spectator mode or not
mp_autocrosshair 0
mp_autoteambalance 1 //Toggles server autoteambalance
mp_bonusroundtime 5 //Time in seconds after round win until round restarts
mp_chattime 5 //amount of time in seconds players can chat after the game is over

mp_decals 1
mp_defaultteam 1
mp_disable_autokick 1 //Prevents a userid from being auto-kicked
mp_enableroundwaittime 1 //Enable timers to wait between rounds.
mp_fadetoblack 0 //fade a player's screen to black when he dies
mp_falldamage 5 //Amount of damage players sustains from a fall
mp_flashlight 0 //Toggles flashlight on or off
mp_footsteps 1 //Toggles footsteps on or off
mp_forcecamera 0 //Restricts spectator modes for dead players
mp_forcerespawn 0
mp_forcerespawnplayers 1 //Force all players to respawn.
mp_forcewin 1 //Forces team to win
mp_fraglimit 0
mp_idledealmethod 2 //Deals with Idle Players. 1 = Sends them into Spectator mode then kicks them if they're still idle, 2 = Kicks them out of the game
mp_idlemaxtime 4 //Maximum time a player is allowed to be idle (in minutes)
mp_maxrounds 10 //max number of rounds to play before server changes maps
mp_teams_unbalance_limit 2 //Teams are unbalanced when one team has this many more players than the other team. (0 disables check)
mp_teststalemate 0 //Test the stalemate mode. Parameter: <0/1>. If 1, the map will reset at the end.
mp_time_between_capscoring 5 //Delay between scoring of owned capture points.
mp_timelimit 120 //game time per map in minutes
mp_winlimit 10 //Max number of rounds one team can win before server changes maps
sv_allow_color_correction 1 //Allow or disallow clients to use color correction on this server.
sv_allow_wait_command 0 //Allow or disallow the wait command on clients connected to this server.
sv_allowdownload 0 //Allow clients to download files
sv_allowupload 0 //Allow clients to upload customizations files
sv_alltalk 1 //Players can hear all other players, no team restrictions
sv_alternateticks 0 //If set, server only simulates entities on even numbered ticks.
sv_autosave 0 //Set to 1 to autosave game on level transition. Does not affect autosave triggers.
sv_bonus_challenge 0 //Set to values other than 0 to select a bonus map challenge type.
sv_cacheencodedents 1 //If set to 1, does an optimization to prevent extra SendTable_Encode calls.
sv_cheats 0 //Allow cheats on server
sv_clearhinthistory 0 //Clear memory of server side hints displayed to the player.
sv_consistency 1 //Whether the server enforces file consistency for critical files
sv_contact "" //Contact email for server sysop
sv_downloadurl "" //Location from which clients can download missing files
sv_enableoldqueries 1 //Enable support for old style (HL1) server queries
sv_pausable 0 //Is the server pausable.

// Lan or internet play, Server region cvars
sv_lan 0 //Server is a lan server ( no heartbeat, no authentication, no non-class C addresses )
sv_region 255 // Region Codes: 0 - US East coast, 1 - US West coast, 2 - South America, 2 - South America, 3 - Europe, 4 - Asia, 5 - Australia, 6 - Middle East, 7 - Africa, 255 - world

//server Logging
sv_log_onefile 0 //Log server information to only one file.
sv_logbans 1 //Log server bans in the server logs.
sv_logblocks 0 //If true when log when a query is blocked (can cause very large log files)
sv_logecho 0 //Echo log information to the console.
sv_logfile 1 //Log server information in the log file.
sv_logflush 0 //Flush the log file to disk on each write (slow).
sv_logsdir "logs" //Folder in the game directory where server logs will be stored.

//Server Rates
sv_maxcmdrate 0 //(If sv_mincmdrate is > 0), this sets the maximum value for cl_cmdrate.
sv_maxrate 20000 //Max bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0 == unlimited
sv_maxreplay 2 //Maximum replay time in seconds
sv_maxupdaterate 100 //Maximum updates per second that the server will allow
sv_mincmdrate 0 //This sets the minimum value for cl_cmdrate. 0 == unlimited.
sv_minrate 0 //Min bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0 == unlimited
sv_minupdaterate 30 //Minimum updates per second that the server will allow

//Server Mod - InstaSpawn
mp_disable_respawn_times 1
mp_respawnwavetime 1
PLEASE! Search before you make a thread! - How To Make A Help Thread!

Post server.cfg information, and specific information on how you are running your server!

Ensure you add REP! if they solved your problem Smile

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