SRCDS Steam group

Starting My Own Hosting Company.
"System Requirements
ClientExec runs on any server that supports at least PHP 4.3.8 and up as well as MySQL 4.1 and up.
MySQL 4.1x and up
PHP from 4.3.8 and up - Yes we support PHP 5.x
GD integration with PHP for report graphs support
ionCube loader or Zend
mcrypt for credit card transactions
cURL with ssl integration for server plugins and credit card transactions"
Any one who wants to partner up with me?
[Image: 1789915.png]

Starting a a gsp would be fun. i would like help out
Well i think i allready got some major partnerships going on, But I'm still open for more helpers like mod installations and stuff. So basically i need people that can Troubleshoot Srcds and HLDS servers.
My main partnership is with #GDL A new league Called Global Draft Like source draft that hosts weekly Drafts (Scrims/Matches) Anyone That wants to help with this and plays css Pm me.
Big Grin
[Image: 1789915.png]

#tastedhosting Looking for Co-Owner 50/50 Split. Performance servers, Must Have experience In this Category. Be willing to put in a decent amount.

Well i might just do fast dl with my unlimited hosting Big Grin
[Image: 1789915.png]

based on this thread, i get the feeling you are jumping into this without really knowing what you are getting into. unless there is something you are not telling us, you really need to have a solid business plan with contigencies for any problems you might encounter. that is in addtion to an initimate knolwedge of HOW to run the various game servers.

i don't know that you are truly at the stage where you should be asking for partners. no offense, but after reading this thread i wouldn't touch this venture with a 10 foot pole. this isn't the type of business you want be picking random Internet partners for.

i wish you the best of luck, but the market is highly competitive, with very slim margins. unless you have something that sets you apart from everyone else and a comprehensive marketing strategy, its going be lady luck that dictates whether you are successful. i guess what i am saying is that you should really take your time and do a LOT of research before you jump in.
Exactly. The key to starting a good, reputable GSP is to be different. Offer something others don't.
Ryan White
Owner & CEO
i would also suggest that you have enough capital to run your gsp at some rate of loss for at least 12 months.
That is the best way right there. If you're able to keep your company running for a year you should be good.
I have taken my time with my company, take your time learn as much as you can about all the games out there. Build a good website maybe rent or buy one server and colocate it get a few customers, see if it's what you like doing.
I got a box and everything, it's allmost done to perfection ;D
Client exec is ready, all i'm missing is a support team and A cool looking website.
Big Grin
[Image: 1789915.png]

Be warned by me and many others hear to take your time. I've been working on my GSP for almost 2 years now, and now that were up and running you need to make sure you have all the required steps checked off. and since you live in the United State you have to registar with your state and the US goverment as a small business and then with the IRS for taxs or your gunna be in deep shit.

Good Luck to you tho
Veloci Servers
¤ø„¸¨°º¤ø„¸ ¸„ø¤º°¨¸„ø¤º°¨
¨°º¤ø„¸ Hardstyle ¸„ø¤º°¨
¸„ø¤º°¨ Q Dance ``°º¤øFrom Ireland
Did I miss something? Were you two not partners?
realchamp Wrote:
Hazz Wrote:Has someone helped you on these forums? If so, help someone else
Mooga Wrote:OrangeBox is a WHORE.
lol yes, sort of
Veloci Servers
¤ø„¸¨°º¤ø„¸ ¸„ø¤º°¨¸„ø¤º°¨
¨°º¤ø„¸ Hardstyle ¸„ø¤º°¨
¸„ø¤º°¨ Q Dance ``°º¤øFrom Ireland
"I got a box and everything"

. . . .
I find this thread very funny. O Well.
Derek Denholm, CEO, XFactorServers, INC.
XFactorServers: Game Server Hosting Solutions
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