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Forums in 'The Admin Pit'
  Forum Threads Posts Last Post
Server resources
Share server resources like maps, models mods here with the rest of us.
Sub Forums:
Programs and Utilities
152 1,416 Zoomable Track Lights
12-16-2024, 06:06 PM
by Becky
The Admins Pit
Chit-chat pit for the die hard srcds administrators.
242 1,774 Restarting the FREE sv_do...
05-15-2023, 09:17 PM
by yoman12300
Business lounge
Talk about running a GSP and the technical side of that in our business lounge. Recruitment related threads allowed.
181 1,517 linux techs wanted for ne...
12-09-2024, 04:25 PM
by zoeyy
The Big Commercial Pit
Would you like to spread the word about your clan or company? Feel free to do so here.Note: You can post 1 advertisement every 2 weeks.
511 2,163 Selling Retired Dedicated...
05-22-2023, 03:05 PM
Off Topic
The off topic lawn of the forum.
Sub Forums:
Hardware and software,
18,310 23,103 Alzex Finance Pro
8 hours ago
by joeybadass