SRCDS Steam group

Dedicated Question's.
Today I was looking at a Dedicated Server with the spec at,

AMD 3800+ (Dual core),
Clock Speed - 2 GHz
L2 Cache - 1 MB
80GB HD,
3000 GB Bandwidth

I was just wondering would this be a good dedicated server to start selling server's off. Also not to mention would this have good reg etc? And around how many servers could it hold. I estimated around 4-7 server's am I correct or less server's so that they can tick over and reg better?
I'm not too familiar with AMD but I'd guess you can run total of 60 slots (30 per core)
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Thanks; another quick question? would this perform aswell a q6600 if say I only had around 5, 11 man, 100 tick servers on it?
Q6600 will out perform the one above for sure.
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Yeh ofc but I mean will the amd have as good reg etc?
You will never know what registration you will get, it's really an unknown factor. Best is to have a stable FPS, which can be achieved on both.
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