Before positing here, please read the introduction post first.
Choosing your Weapons
When running a GSP, you are going to need some software to control your servers, customers, billing, orders, payments and eventually to allow your users configuring their servers ingame. I have been testing a few control pannels and I currently have found none wich reflects my need while some could still do the trick. As I explained in the introduction, I would suggest you either to use an existing tool and to adapt it to suit your need or, take some more time to develop (or have it done) your own tool or set of tools which would indeed be pretty more precise but may cost alot of time and thinking. As I only plan to run CS:S initially, my choice will be to develop our own cpanel as I am unsatisfied by many aspects of those existing and as I really pay much importance to the simplicity and power of such a tool for both yourself and for your customers.
Control Panels
Well CPanels are some of the most important tools a GSP can use so I think it is essential that you choose a good one that perfectly suits your needs. OMHO, the basic aims of a cpanel is to install, configure and run srcds and uts plugins, to manage users (admins) and files on the server (maps, skins), to display network, slots and game usage, to backup config and custom files and finally, to interface with the other administration tools such as voice, website or mail servers. Also, it must be really simple to understand and to be used. On the side, if any one could provide the post with some pros and cons about GameCP, TCAdmin, brainless or any other (free or not), it would be apreciated.
Customer & Billing Management
I actually don't know of any tool to manage game server customers. I've been using cc solutions and other means available in my country to charge my customers and I usually store their information on a custom application but I am sure that there are a few solutions that integrates many different payment platforms and at the same time allow managing your customers. Please let me know if you guys know any kind of tool like it that is worth.
Choosing your Weapons
When running a GSP, you are going to need some software to control your servers, customers, billing, orders, payments and eventually to allow your users configuring their servers ingame. I have been testing a few control pannels and I currently have found none wich reflects my need while some could still do the trick. As I explained in the introduction, I would suggest you either to use an existing tool and to adapt it to suit your need or, take some more time to develop (or have it done) your own tool or set of tools which would indeed be pretty more precise but may cost alot of time and thinking. As I only plan to run CS:S initially, my choice will be to develop our own cpanel as I am unsatisfied by many aspects of those existing and as I really pay much importance to the simplicity and power of such a tool for both yourself and for your customers.
Control Panels
Well CPanels are some of the most important tools a GSP can use so I think it is essential that you choose a good one that perfectly suits your needs. OMHO, the basic aims of a cpanel is to install, configure and run srcds and uts plugins, to manage users (admins) and files on the server (maps, skins), to display network, slots and game usage, to backup config and custom files and finally, to interface with the other administration tools such as voice, website or mail servers. Also, it must be really simple to understand and to be used. On the side, if any one could provide the post with some pros and cons about GameCP, TCAdmin, brainless or any other (free or not), it would be apreciated.
Customer & Billing Management
I actually don't know of any tool to manage game server customers. I've been using cc solutions and other means available in my country to charge my customers and I usually store their information on a custom application but I am sure that there are a few solutions that integrates many different payment platforms and at the same time allow managing your customers. Please let me know if you guys know any kind of tool like it that is worth.