SRCDS Steam group

TF 2 Server Install
How to get the server to use the server.cfg file? i add +exec /location/to/file/server.cfg but get a error which says it could not be loaded

And is there any good server.cfg files out there?? How to set up the server properly. And last how to get the maprotation going....

Coolnoobish serveradminCool
mancert Wrote:How to get the server to use the server.cfg file? i add +exec /location/to/file/server.cfg but get a error which says it could not be loaded

And is there any good server.cfg files out there?? How to set up the server properly. And last how to get the maprotation going....

Coolnoobish serveradminCool

The server.cfg file should go in "./orangebox/tf/cfg/"

Just use "+exec server.cfg" after you put it in that directory.
pssst you might want to make the original directory something else, like steam.
currently youre making /orangebox/orangebox/ as to where the srcds_run goes
just to simplify where the cfg goes, it goes where all other source cfg's go

when you use steam to get a mod/server, eg css or hl2dm, it downloads it into its obviously own directory (css and hl2dm and dod etc)

within that directory for that mod is a cfg folder, in there is where you should keep ALL cfg files, because the server is aware of the files in that directory, and you dont ever have to tell the game where on your hard drive it is.

in this case, the original post has the hldsupdatetool in /orangebox

1) you run it to download the tf2 mod (as outlined above)

2) it makes a subdirectory /orangebox/orangebox (because the original poster was a bit silly with naming the original base directory)

3) in this directory it starts putting all the files and THEN the mod sub directories (note, this is only true for tf2, it will put all these files and mod sub directories in a different place for dods and other mods, THIS IS BECAUSE THEY SOMEHOW THOUGHT ORANGE BOX WAS DIFFERENT)

4) in the /orangebox/orangebox ditectory you will find the srcds_run program, needed to actually run the server

5) you will also find the sub directories in there containing all the actual game data, eg, hl2, tf, etc.

6) the config files are in the tf/cfg sub directory, so the full directory is /orangebox/orangebox/tf/cfg/

7) the motd.txt will be in the tf directory, as well as the maplist.txt and other stuff

8) ???

9) profit

[tf2@thekidrio orangebox]$ ./srcds_run -console -game tf +ip -port 27500 +maxplayers 24 +map ctf_2fort
Auto detecting CPU
Using default binary.
Server will auto-restart if there is a crash.

Console initialized.
Game.dll loaded for "Team Fortress"
Particles: Missing 'particles/error.pcf'
maxplayers set to 24
maxplayers set to 24
Unknown command "startupmenu"
Network: IP, mode MP, dedicated Yes, ports 27500 SV / 27005 CL
ConVarRef room_type doesn't point to an existing ConVar
exec: couldn't exec skill1.cfg
Executing dedicated server config file
Bad data found in model "dispenser_toolbox.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "dispenser_gib1.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "dispenser_gib2.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "dispenser_gib3.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "dispenser_gib4.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "dispenser_gib5.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "parts/dmx/dispenser_light_reference.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "parts\dmx\sapper_dispenser_reference.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "sapper_gib001_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "sapper_gib002_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "parts\dmx\Sentry1_reference.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "sentry1_Gib1.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "sentry1_Gib2.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "sentry1_Gib3.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "sentry1_Gib4.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "parts\dmx\Sentry1_reference.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "parts\dmx\Sentry2_optimized_reference.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "sentry2_Gib1.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "sentry2_Gib2.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "sentry2_Gib3.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "sentry2_Gib4.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "parts\dmx\sentry2_reference.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "parts\dmx\Sentry1_reference.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "sentry1_Gib1.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "sentry1_Gib2.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "sentry1_Gib3.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "sentry1_Gib4.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "parts\dmx\Sentry1_reference.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "parts\dmx\Sentry2_optimized_reference.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "sentry2_Gib1.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "sentry2_Gib2.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "sentry2_Gib3.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "sentry2_Gib4.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "parts\dmx\sentry2_reference.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "parts\dmx\sentry3_optimized_reference.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "sentry3_Gib1.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "parts\dmx\sentry3_reference.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "parts/dmx/teleporter_reference.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "teleporter_Gib1.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "teleporter_Gib2.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "teleporter_Gib3.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "teleporter_Gib4.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "teleporter_light_reference.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "../parts/dmx/scout_morphs_low.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "scoutgib007_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "scoutgib002_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "scoutgib004_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "scoutgib006_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "random_organ_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "scoutgib001_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "scoutgib003_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "scoutgib005_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "scoutgib008_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "scoutgib009_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "../parts/dmx/scout_morphs_high.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "../parts/dmx/sniper_morphs_low.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "snipergib005_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "snipergib002_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "snipergib003_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "snipergib004_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "snipergib001_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "snipergib006_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "snipergib007_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "../parts/dmx/sniper_morphs_high.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "../parts/dmx/soldier_morphs_low.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "soldiergib007_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "soldiergib002_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "soldiergib003_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "soldiergib006_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "soldiergib001_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "soldiergib004_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "soldiergib005_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "soldiergib008_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "../parts/dmx/soldier_morphs_high.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "../parts/dmx/demo_morphs_low.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "demogib006_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "demogib001_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "demogib003_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "demogib005_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "demogib002_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "demogib004_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "../parts/dmx/demo_morphs_high.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "../parts/dmx/medic_morphs_low.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "medicgib007_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "medicgib001_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "medicgib005_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "medicgib006_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "medicgib002_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "medicgib003_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "medicgib004_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "medicgib008_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "../parts/dmx/medic_morphs_high.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "../parts/dmx/heavy_morphs_low.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "heavygib007_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "heavygib002_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "heavygib005_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "heavygib006_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "heavygib001_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "heavygib003_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "heavygib004_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "../parts/dmx/heavy_morphs_high.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "../parts/dmx/pyro_reference.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "pyrogib008_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "pyrogib001_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "pyrogib004_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "pyrogib006_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "pyrogib002_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "pyrogib005_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "pyrogib003_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "pyrogib007_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "../parts/dmx/pyro_reference.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "../parts/dmx/spy_morphs_low.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "spygib007_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "spygib001_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "spygib003_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "spygib006_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "spygib002_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "spygib004_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "spygib005_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "../parts/dmx/spy_morphs_high.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "../parts/dmx/engineer_morphs_low.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "engineergib006_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "engineergib001_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "engineergib003_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "engineergib005_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "engineergib002_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "engineergib004_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "engineergib007_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "../parts/dmx/engineer_morphs_high.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "parts\dmx\w_bat_reference.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "parts\dmx\w_bonesaw_reference.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "parts\dmx\w_bottle_reference.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "parts/dmx/w_toolbox_reference.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "parts\dmx\w_sapper_reference.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "parts\dmx\w_machete_reference.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "parts\dmx\w_fireaxe_reference.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "parts/dmx/w_flamethrower_reference.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "w_grenade_grenadelauncher_reference" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "parts\dmx\w_grenadelauncher_reference.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "parts\dmx\w_cigarette_case_reference.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "parts/dmx/w_knife_reference.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "parts\dmx\w_medigun_reference.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "parts/dmx/w_minigun_reference.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "parts\dmx\w_PDA_Engineer_reference.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "parts\dmx\w_builder_reference.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "Parts\dmx\w_stickybomb_launcher_reference.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "parts/dmx/w_pistol_reference.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "shell_pistol_reference" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "parts/dmx/w_revolver_reference.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "parts/dmx/w_rocketlauncher_reference.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "parts/dmx/w_scattergun_reference.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "shell_shotgun_reference" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "parts/dmx/w_shotgun_reference.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "parts/dmx/w_shovel_reference.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "parts/dmx/w_smg_reference.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "parts/dmx/w_sniperrifle_reference.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "shell_sniperrifle_reference" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "parts/dmx/w_syringegun_reference.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "parts/dmx/w_wrench_reference.dmx" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "resupply_locker_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
Bad data found in model "briefcase_reference.smd" (bad bone weights)
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (41) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (42) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (43) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (44) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (45) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (46) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (47) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (48) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (49) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (50) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (51) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (52) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (53) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (54) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (55) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (56) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (57) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (58) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (59) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (60) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (61) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (62) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (63) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (64) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (65) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (66) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (67) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (68) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (69) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (70) for element
Bad data found in model "ammopack_medium_reference" (bad bone weights)
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (71) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (72) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (73) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (74) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (75) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (76) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (77) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (78) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (79) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (80) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (81) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (82) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (83) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (84) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (85) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (86) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (87) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (88) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (89) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (90) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (91) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (92) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (93) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (94) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (95) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (96) for element
Bad data found in model "medkit_medium_reference" (bad bone weights)
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (97) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (98) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (99) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (100) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (101) for element
*** ERROR *** Excessive sizelevel (102) for element
cable_red_1_1: backwards mins/maxscable_red_1_1: backwards mins/maxs
thought i should post this too

[tf2@thekidrio srcds]$ ./steam -command update -game "tf" -dir . Checking bootstrapper version ...
Updating Installation
Checking/Installing 'Team Fortress 2 Content' version 12
Checking/Installing 'Team Fortress 2 Materials' version 5
Checking/Installing 'Base Source Shared Materials' version 8
Checking/Installing 'Base Source Shared Models' version 4
Checking/Installing 'Base Source Shared Sounds' version 4
Checking/Installing 'Team Fortress 2 Linux Dedicated Server' version 7
HLDS installation up to date
[tf2@thekidrio srcds]$
add -verify_all to the update command line and try again.
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Bad bone weights = bad CPU.

Upgrade from your P3 or Athlon XP - linux binaries don't support them.
That is, Linux binaries don't support them YET. Valve is aware of this problem and are hopefully going to fix it soon. Smile
hobgoblin Wrote:That is, Linux binaries don't support them YET. Valve is aware of this problem and are hopefully going to fix it soon. Smile

Bad bone weight error is down to a CPU not supporting the FCMOV instruction (old CPUs) - which Valve can't do anything about.

Why support old hardware when TF2 consumes almost twice as much resources as CSS? They should worry about optimization before supporting old hardware.
Aha, bummer I was hoping I could re-use these old poweredges heh
seems that is not an option. just for gits and shiggles I did the

[tf2@thekidrio srcds]$ ./steam -command update -game "tf" -dir . -verify_all
HLDS installation up to date

now when i run
./srcds_run -console -game tf +exec server.cfg -autoupdate +port 27500 +ip

Auto detecting CPU
Using default binary.
Server will auto-restart if there is a crash.
Could not locate steam binary:./steam, ignoring.

Console initialized.
Game.dll loaded for "Team Fortress"
Particles: Missing 'particles/error.pcf'
Unknown command "on"
sv_pure set to 1.
Unknown command "on"
Unknown command "server"
exec: couldn't exec banned_user.cfg
exec: couldn't exec banned_ip.cfg
Unknown command "port"
Unknown command "startupmenu"
Network: IP, mode MP, dedicated Yes, ports 27500 SV / 27005 CL

No more bone weight errors. gonna see if I can connect when i get home as I have no client at work heh.

Muppet Wrote:Bad bone weight error is down to a CPU not supporting the FCMOV instruction (old CPUs) - which Valve can't do anything about.

Why support old hardware when TF2 consumes almost twice as much resources as CSS? They should worry about optimization before supporting old hardware.
I still can't see it over the net, and as far as I can tell it is very open at the moment. I am going to see if I have my ipchains and other nonsense set up correctly.

Hey guys,

Wondering if you could point me in the right direction here.

server startup Wrote:Auto detecting CPU
Using SSE2 Optimised binary.
Enabling debug mode
Server will auto-restart if there is a crash.

Console initialized.
Game.dll loaded for "Team Fortress"
Particles: Missing 'particles/error.pcf'
maxplayers set to 24
maxplayers set to 24
Unknown command "startupmenu"
Network: IP, mode MP, dedicated Yes, ports 27015 SV / 27005 CL
ConVarRef room_type doesn't point to an existing ConVar
exec: couldn't exec skill1.cfg
Executing dedicated server config file
net.cpp (960) : Assertion Failed: 0 == iRet && iValLen == sizeof( iVal ) && cSendBufSize <= iVal
net.cpp (968) : Assertion Failed: 0 == iRet && iValLen == sizeof( iVal ) && cRecvBufSize <= iVal
Unknown command "mp_friendlyfire"
Unknown command "sv_maxspeed"
Server logging enabled.
Server logging data to file logs/L1024002.log
L 10/24/2007 - 12:02:00: Log file started (file "logs/L1024002.log") (game "/home/tf2/srcds_l/orangebox/tf") (version "3258")
Unknown command "middle"
sv_pure set to 1.
Note: Changes to sv_pure take effect when the next map is loaded.
exec: couldn't exec banned_user.cfg
exec: couldn't exec banned_ip.cfg
Adding master server
Adding master server
Using 'steambeta1:27013' CSER server!
Connection to Steam servers successful.
VAC secure mode is activated.

This is where it stops.

The only thing I see that is telling me something is wrong are the two lines:

net.cpp (960) : Assertion Failed: 0 == iRet && iValLen == sizeof( iVal ) && cSendBufSize <= iVal
net.cpp (968) : Assertion Failed: 0 == iRet && iValLen == sizeof( iVal ) && cRecvBufSize <= iVal

I've tried multiple server configs since this happens right after the server config is executed.

I've turned off the firewall so it's not anything to do with the game not being able to reach outside...

Here is the startup script i use...

./srcds_run -console -game tf +ip +maxplayers 24 +map ctf_2fort

I've tried multiple startup options to no avail and was hoping someone had this same issue and could shed some light on it for me.

Thanks a million for any help you could provide.
No problems there..

Quote:Adding master server
Adding master server
Using 'steambeta1:27013' CSER server!
Connection to Steam servers successful.
VAC secure mode is activated.

You're server should be up and running. What exactly is the problem?
well whenever I


I don't get a server... I am assuming the server isn't up...

Whenever I executed a CSS server I would continue to receive information from the server outputting onto the putty screen telling me what's going on in the server...

It just doesn't seem like anything is going on after the VAC message.

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