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New FPS booster + source code
I've written a small windows service to boost srcds FPS. You can just install it then forget about it - it auto starts on bootup and as it's a service doesn't need to be minimized. The source code is included.

Feel free to use and let me know what you think Smile
Anyone try this yet ?
No I haven't, seem ok tho, nothign wrong with the sourcecode Smile
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what does it boost the fps too?
What I dont get is how it does it really. Not doubting it at all just really curious. Does it oodle all the power it can for a system? Do you recomend it for multiple SRCDS on one box? A batch I had earlier ran an FPS booster, is that a good thing because if I have 3 servers it will load 3 boosters. Will only one will open or will 3 open and cause problems or am I just getting to worried.
I perhaps should have mentioned what it does exactly... it is essentially doing the same as any other method of boosting fps (e.g. open media player or use srcdsfpsboost.exe) which is alter the multimedia timer resolution, meaning apps have a "finer grained" clock to check from. It applies it to the system as a whole, so if you open multiple servers on one box they are all boosted.
It will not improve fps compared to those other methods, I wrote it purely as a way of boosting all servers on a box without having to leave a program open to do it. I have been running it on 3 server boxes of my own for around a week now.
if im running at around 256fps right now, what will it boost it to? gimme an estimate
ZMD89 Wrote:if im running at around 256fps right now, what will it boost it to? gimme an estimate

Depends what you put your max_fps is set to. >512 = 512 FPS. AFAIK, you can't get 1000 fps without some other modifications which i don't know too much about.
You shouldn't run 1000 FPS anyway so set fps_max to like 700 and you'll get 512 FPS Smile
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works well nice stuff!
So I presume this is open source? Could it be included in other applications?
The source code is included within the package, no legal notices whatsoever but I'm sure if you ask the maker he'd be honored Smile
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Source Dedicated Server (SRCDS)
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I'd like to hear some more opinions on how this is working for some?
Also, this may be a pretty newbish question but is it possible that this performs better than the srcdsfpsbooster?
Didn't work on Windows 2003 Web Edition for me for some reason.

Kept getting some error, does this have any dependencies?
Game Server Administration Services
Linux & Windows performance specialist.
vigor Wrote:Didn't work on Windows 2003 Web Edition for me for some reason.

Kept getting some error, does this have any dependencies?

I also have the same problem except i have x64 i believe

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