SRCDS Steam group

Reality Gaming
Hey guys
A great new server hosting company and great community has just opened up at
Register on the forums putting NickBVK as your referee!
You guys should really go there for a new community if not for their great servers!
Seeya over there!
Quote:10 Slot - $55 Per Month

Your kidding right?

He's not kidding, it's in Australia. You should look how much a dedicated server costs there. (for a normal XEON server you pay 600$$$!!! PER MONTH!!!)
Join the Source Dedicated Server Support Group on Steam Community!
Source Dedicated Server (SRCDS)
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Australia all the way:p
They run really good, far more superior than our major gaming companies like GameArena and Gamespace.
Sign up on the forums, the company owner said he's up for negotiations
I sell for $2.75 slot for 100 tick Public - $2.07 slot private 100 tick

Diff between pub n priv?
yeh that's because private servers are played on less than publics, so on the private you get discount (that's what most companies do)
Join the Source Dedicated Server Support Group on Steam Community!
Source Dedicated Server (SRCDS)
Free to join, Live support! (When available)

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