SRCDS Steam group

Game Servers (Starting Company)
I've been in and out of the server busines for about 10 years now and would like to put a few cents in. When selling servers you want to make yourself look more reliable. To do this, don't venture into this alone by yourself otherwise you will fail. yeah honesty is best and it sounds like you're being honest about your current position but sometimes it can hurt you as well.

The point of my point? find 1 or 2 other people willing to work with you, in businesses that i have started there has always been 1-2 people with funding 1 know how, and 1 people person that knows how to talk people into buying the products. Thats how systeminplace has been and the owner has been in business since 99 and is doing great. check them out, i highly recommend them, he went from renting servers from others to buying his own colo rack and renting servers out to people. His prices are fair and his people know what they're doing, tell em i sent ya maybe he'll work something with ya.
[Image: userbar_wow.jpg]
starting 9/24/2006 if your problem has been solved please edit your first post and add [solved] to the begining of the title. Thanks.
where did use guys learn all about dedicated servers etc!
any good links for me????

I did everything myself, this site works for a good reference.
Most of us are the pioneers of the dedicated servers, we learned everything ourselves when there was no support.
That's why we are here trying to give as much support as possible so others don't ahve to go all the way finding out themselves. I like helping, cause I know how much fun it is to have your own stuff up and running.
Join the Source Dedicated Server Support Group on Steam Community!
Source Dedicated Server (SRCDS)
Free to join, Live support! (When available)
Drocona Wrote:Most of us are the pioneers of the dedicated servers, we learned everything ourselves when there was no support.
That's why we are here trying to give as much support as possible so others don't ahve to go all the way finding out themselves. I like helping, cause I know how much fun it is to have your own stuff up and running.

drocona a think a very big thank you is needed for you it seems you have helpe3d out alot of people without must reward


i join your company
cryotek Wrote:I've been in and out of the server busines for about 10 years now and would like to put a few cents in. When selling servers you want to make yourself look more reliable. To do this, don't venture into this alone by yourself otherwise you will fail. yeah honesty is best and it sounds like you're being honest about your current position but sometimes it can hurt you as well.

The point of my point? find 1 or 2 other people willing to work with you, in businesses that i have started there has always been 1-2 people with funding 1 know how, and 1 people person that knows how to talk people into buying the products. Thats how systeminplace has been and the owner has been in business since 99 and is doing great. check them out, i highly recommend them, he went from renting servers from others to buying his own colo rack and renting servers out to people. His prices are fair and his people know what they're doing, tell em i sent ya maybe he'll work something with ya.

Might go and get a bouncer from there...

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