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If I use Windows Server 2003, do I really need a 64bit server? Does it have a better performance than a 32bit version?

If I have an AMD 64bit 4000 and an AMD 32bit 4000 would I see a difference in performance?

Thank you.
No you won't see a difference.

You will only notice it when you run both a 64bit windows version AND a 64bit srcds version. Since there is no 64bit SRCDS you will never get better preformance untill VALVe makes one
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Drocona is right. There's no 64bit version srcds.exe yet.
Drocona Wrote:No you won't see a difference.
not accurate. he WILL see a difference. on a 64bit system the srcds does run slower, not as performant as on 32bit and its laggy often. so as long valve does not understand how to build native 64bit binaries avaid 64bit architectures for valve servers.

since valve has systematicly wiped out workarounds (like renicing) you entering a deep ground of hell and sleepless nights including filled mailboxes with complaiments by your customers. So you have two possibilities: (1) buy valve and fire those 64bit refusing people or (2) avoid 64bit plattforms for valve related servers as sourceds.

prefer athlonMP or xeon would be a good advice. Wink

best regards

theCENTER netWork Head Administrator
[url=\"\" ][Image: sig-1662.png][/url]
heh lol I like your view,

never thought about the down way rofl.
how bout this: "It shouldn't make a difference"

I've seen 64 bit servers run nice and smooth just like the 32 bit ones
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