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Admin Skins
I have searched EVERYWHERE on the net... I google searched about 100 times looking for a simple guide to installing admin skins to a server... Can someone give me a guide or write one here to help everyone install admin skins with mani-admin plugin... The only one I found was for a Linux serverSad
You unzip the folder then copy it to the SRCDS directory. If you copied it to the right spot it will say do u want to overwrite these files. of course you hit ok. there is also a cvar in the mani_server.cfg, im not exactly sure what the name is, but its somethin like mani_skins_auto_download. Just open the .cfg file, open search, search for skins, it wont take but a few clicks and ull be there. Change that to 1 and u should be in clear.
Yeah there is alot of stuff u have to change in the server config like Allow_admin_skin 1... I've done all that, I have to change the adminct.txt file with some resource thing and I don't understand any of this!!!! Iv'e already installed re-skinned player models, but thats not admin skins, only I can see them...
Ok well I got the skins ingame and I can switch to them but my server doesnt download them so people see me as ERROR...
did u change the mani_skins_auto_download cvar?
Yes, I now don't get the error, apparently i had to add exec mani_server.cfg to my server.cfg but when i change skins I look like the GIGN CT soldier when i die..... WTF? And it still doesn't download the skins when I join the server...
if it doesnt work with mani auto download add .res files to your maps yourself, then it will download
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I have done everything yust it says on that page:

but nothing is not working, only if I leave admin_t.txt and admin_ct.txt work only one skin in T squad and one in CT squad.
Do anyone know what is the problem!
There are several things needed to make the ICS Skins work with CS Source and Mani's Admin Plugin. You've done some of them. GJ.

Here are some things you need to know. if you've done them already cool. If not bear with me.

1. Unzip the //cstrike/models, and //cstrike/materials/models files and copy them to your server's matching directories in the cstrike folder using ftp software. Simply copying them may casue them not to work. use FTP software.

2. Create the folder cstrike\config\mani_plug_in\skins on the server and also create the following files under that folder:


The ICS software may have already created these for you, just make sure theyre in the right place on your server.

3. Make sure the following files are in the cstrike\cfg\mani_admin_plugin\skins folder on your server

THEY WILL BE NEXT TO THE FOLDERS THAT THEY REPRESENT, NOT IN THE FOLDERS! In other words, the files will be in the skins folder, not in the subfolders with the same names.


4. Make sure each of these files have the skins you want to use listed in them appropriately like the ICS instructions tell you to do.

Lets start there and see what we have. Write more when you have checked these out and I'll continue.

Does anyone know where i can actually find admin skins, ive bin searching for ages
has any1 got any decent ones which they could give me a link for? thankyou
Go here:

These are the best skins out there. He has a lot of Admin skins too. Enjoy!

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Im am so confused i dont get any of this please help me lol.

BOOM! Lt. Maverick Wrote:There are several things needed to make the ICS Skins work with CS Source and Mani's Admin Plugin. You've done some of them. GJ.

Here are some things you need to know. if you've done them already cool. If not bear with me.

1. Unzip the //cstrike/models, and //cstrike/materials/models files and copy them to your server's matching directories in the cstrike folder using ftp software. Simply copying them may casue them not to work. use FTP software.

2. Create the folder cstrike\config\mani_plug_in\skins on the server and also create the following files under that folder:


The ICS software may have already created these for you, just make sure theyre in the right place on your server.

3. Make sure the following files are in the cstrike\cfg\mani_admin_plugin\skins folder on your server

THEY WILL BE NEXT TO THE FOLDERS THAT THEY REPRESENT, NOT IN THE FOLDERS! In other words, the files will be in the skins folder, not in the subfolders with the same names.


4. Make sure each of these files have the skins you want to use listed in them appropriately like the ICS instructions tell you to do.

Lets start there and see what we have. Write more when you have checked these out and I'll continue.

I'm not sure what's confusing? It doesn't get any easier than this, it tells you EXACTLY what to do in that post and the readme is also very precise....
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hey this post is pretty old but if anyone still needs help you can ask me if ya want i got mine workin on 2 servers in like 25 min so i can probly help and is push comes to shove i can copy my files and give them to you over xfire or somethin like that Smile

my steam is Monk_2021 and my email is

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