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This post is old but.. update to this.. Steam Bans only takes demos of demos recorded in a steambans secure server.

So... I can't submit demos to them anymore sadly.
[Image: brutalhonesty.png]
[Image: STEAM_0:0:16227482_tf2.png]
What my old clan did was the just had VAC 2 on and then everyone was accusing people of haxin so they decided to get all the members that didnt go to school and take turns to spec during the day and bann people they thought was hacking it was quite effective but it takes up to much time . VAC2 is good but it doesnt detect every hack but it is better to keep it installed because non vac servers get all the hackers of the day ......
Rouge- @ BRITS gaming = new gaming community
That's a shame, cheater are cheater ban them all... running steambans is in NO way any way to secure if it's a cheater or not... that's just plain lame.

on a side not, VAC2 does catch all cheats over time, people get logged and Valve employees ban them afterwards. New cheats will in this way be discovered very quikcly. The only negative part is that it doesn't ban immediatly so you'll always have to cope with the cheater.
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First off people, wall hack is very is to beat. Just use Detox. Detox with the Anti-Wallhack turned on will prohibit the server from sending the packets to the clients reporting where the other people are if they are not in line of sight of that person. This requires a little more CPU usage but 99.9% percent of the admins here won't even notice a difference. Also Detox will scan incoming clients for hacks and will block them from connecting to the server. I highly recommend you use Detox!
[Image: b_560x95.png]
I like messing with hackers. Change their names, etc pretty much abuse their ass. Used to be able to unbind their keys Smile but not anymore Sad
realchamp Wrote:
Hazz Wrote:Has someone helped you on these forums? If so, help someone else
Mooga Wrote:OrangeBox is a WHORE.
Did you guys even notice how old this thread is?
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