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Mani Admin Plugin Installation/Configuration Tutorial
I get this when typing status in the console when I'm in my server

] status
hostname: lan
version : 2782 insecure
udp/ip :
map : de_dust at: 0 x, 0 y, 0 z
players : 1 (24 max)

# userid name uniqueid connected ping loss state
# 5 "ban" STEAM_ID_PENDING 00:16 58 0 active

Any idea on what is happening?
Im gonna say it again. DO NOT DOUBLE Post.

i have done everything just as it says i have even tried both the password way and the steam id way.when i create a server in counterstrike source and when i bind "q" and i press q it says that i am not an admin. when i use deticated server and press q nothing happens but when i go into conole it says command "admin" unknown

do you know what i am doing wrong?
what is your sv_lan cvar set to? on a lan EVERYONE has the steam id of STEAM_ID_LAN, either you put that in your adminlist.txt and make EVERYONE an admin OR you set the admin computers to STATIC IP and then enter the IP's as admins so only the people on those computers will be admin.

someone needs to make a sticky or something so that when people ask for help they say whether or not their server is in LAN mode.
when i type in ma_rcon, the console says im not an admin...this is my adminlist.txt

// in your config.cfg file in your client installation.

(the "x" are numbers)
I need some help... I dont have the error message i can get it later tonight if you cant diagnose with my description... I got Mani Mod to work i can pull up the menu and I can make map votes along with add bots as well as a few other commands from the mani admin menu however I have been trying out different features and when i run a fun player management ex. burn player It freezes and crashes the srcds server... Any Help will be appreciated.. I can add more info later as im at work currently and stumbled onto this post...
edit -- I found the answer to my question above but want to keep it posted for those whom might have same question... I looked around some on the mani website and seems that after CS:S latest update these features cause the server to crash least the explaination someone had posted so solved my above problemSmile

As to some of the other problems in here I had the issue where it would say command unknown make sure you have the latest version... from the 1.2N thats the beta... It solved my problem of command unknown...
station -- unless your last post was a typo, uncomment your steam id
IE remove the // in your admin file before the STEAM_x:x:xxxxxxxx
should look like
// in your config.cfg file in your client installation.
thanks a lot ill try it Big Grin
i did that and i typed in ma_rcon in console and it still said "You are not an admin" in the source dedicated server window where it would usually say "loading admin steam id list-WARNING YOU HAVE NO ADMIN MEMBERS IN YOUR ADMINLIST.TXT !!" it says nothing but loading admin list, then goes off to the next this to load. it must know there is an id there, but i dont know whats goin on in game
I did everything in the tutorial and when I load my console it says

Failed to load servergamedll interface
Failed to load plugin "../cstrike/addons/mani_admin_plugin

Unknown command "mani_reverse_admin_flags"
Unknown command "mani_reverse_immunity_flags"

Any suggestions?
Whenever I type "ma_rcon" in the console it says "unknown command". I'm not sure what i did wrong but in case its the admin list, this is what mine looks like:

// in your config.cfg file in your client installation.
The Lizard King Wrote:Whenever I type "ma_rcon" in the console it says "unknown command". I'm not sure what i did wrong but in case its the admin list, this is what mine looks like:

// in your config.cfg file in your client installation.

That means mani isn't installed on the server.. did you make sure that the addons folder is in the cstrike directory? and that it has the mani dll files in it.. and did you restart the server after copying over the mani files?
I need to know how to add maps and be able to change maps using mani, can someone help me?

-thanks Big Grin
You can't add maps and change maps through mani.

You have to add maps on the server in the folder called "maps" this is located in the cstrike folder, then add the name of the new maps to your maplist.txt

To change map type changelevel <mapnamehere> in rcon or on the console of the server and the server will load the new map.
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i did upload them to my server to the maps folder, but i can find the "maplist.txt" for mani, where whould it be, or can someone send me a link to download a good version of mani?

or can just send me the "maplist.txt" though e-mail, its

-thanks Smile

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