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Mani Admin Plugin Installation/Configuration Tutorial
following this tutorial, unzipped all the folders and sub folders with files accordingly. stuck at the part where i would add my steam id in the adminlist.txt . However i simply cant find/see it in my orudie@ubuntu:~/srcds_1/cstrike/cfg/mani_admin_plugin$ ls
actionsoundlist.txt database.txt rconlist.txt
adverts.txt decallist.txt reserveslots.txt
cexeclist_all.txt default_weapon_restrict.txt restrict
cexeclist_ct.txt downloads.txt soundlist.txt
cexeclist_player.txt gametypes.txt spawnpoints.txt
cexeclist_spec.txt gimpphrase.txt texturelist.txt
cexeclist_t.txt language votequestionlist.txt
chattriggers.txt mapadverts.txt voterconlist.txt
commandlist.txt map_config webshortcutlist.txt
crontablist.txt pingimmunity.txt wordfilter.txt

or should i just have to create this file and then edit it?
i've folowed the toutorial and done evrything it says i did what people say and rensatled it but when i go on my scrds server when i type admin or ma_rcon or @ma_rcon it say's unknown comandSad[/font]

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