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Mani Admin Plugin Installation/Configuration Tutorial
Sounds like you didnt add yourself to the adminlist.txt file. You should post your internal IP or your steam ID along with your adminlist.txt file and we can get this fixed.
Just wanted to say thanks for posting this. Was way easier than reading the documentation.

Hey awesome tutorial. thanks a million. i unno if i'm just dumbfounded or if somethin i did wrong but when i launch my dedicated server it says everythings fine and it connects to steam servers fine and all but then when i add it to my steam favs list it comes up not respondin :s if anyone cud help i would greatly appreciate it. thanks

p.s. the server was running okay before i added mani plugin. i could get on it from the steam server list so yah js thought i'd add that
hey man in the part where u type blind q "admin" how do u set that or change it plz help cuz i typed it in and said something like unknown command but i got everything else to work great tutorial!!
if u wanna change it its the same command just use a different letter BTW the command doesnt use quotes. Or atleast I didnt have to use them.

bind a admin

Is the one i use. Also there is a file in your local counter strike directory you can use to change it. Not the server. The files name is config.cfg., its located in that file, however, the format is:

bind "a" "admin"
thanx i got it...but how do u add differtn maps to the map thing when ur on mani cuz i have the maps and all but i can c them in the list and also how do u add another admin to ur list? what do u have to do just put it under or do u have to do // thing? plz hel[
Well just for future reference, questions go in their respective sections. the tutorials section is for people submitting their knowledge with srcds. To add maps you add the names in the maplist.txt file and the mapcycle.txt file. To add admins you have to add either a steam id, or an ip address in the adminlist.txt file. here is the formats:

For an ip address
; FYI dont use this ip, its just an example.

For a Steam Id
STEAM_0:1:877489 There is no semicolon for the steam ID.

I hope this helps and if you have any more questions dont hesitate to ask. We are here to help.
very nice tutorial
must've taken you some time to type all this
Hey I am trying ot get my my Mani Admin server on my Source Dedicated Server. I am ruunning it off my compuer. Could someone reply back or email with instructions
try this tutorial maybe?
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hey man i used the tutorial nd got it installed but wen i type ma_rcon it just goes unknown command ma_rcon. u got ne idea wat the prob is?
try @ma_rcon you may have to set the flag to turn off the "@" in front of commands before it works the way you did it.
yea i tried, still does the same thing. i dont know, ill figure it out at some point
I tried typing "ma_rcon" in console and it gave me this message "You have server access you don't need ma_rcon !!" I think I got that because I tried connecting with the commands "rcon_address" and "rcon_password password"

I am running the dedicated server on the same computer I am trying to connect with. When I try to type "@menu" ingame it said "you are not an admin" what is going on?!

I have been at this for 5 hours. Its 1:30 in the morning now and I'm just tired and fed up with this. If anybody could help that would be great.
Thegeek, you do not need to TRIPLE post. SOMEONE will help you.

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