SRCDS Steam group

Tutorial: How to setup a DOD:S server
This is based on my experience with setting up a server from scratch, IE I didnt know anything about it when I started!

1) Download the HLDSTOOLUPDATE to a temp location, like c:\Temp.
Use the link below to download HLDSTOOLUPDATE.
The tool is used to download, update and run the dedicated Source server.

2) Once you have downloaded hldsupdatetool.exe, run the installer and install to a permanent location, like c:\HLServer.

3) Now you need to download the files for your dedicated DOD:S server.
You can either follow the rest of these instructions or skip to the download of the script files in the bottom of this post. The download contains scripts to download, configure and run your DODS server.

To download the dedicated DOD:S server, use this script in a .bat file:
c:\HLServer\hldsupdatetool -command update -game dods -dir c:\HLServer

This is how it should look, if your server location is "c:\HLServer"
When downloading, dont panic over the size....its about > 900Mb!

If it stops, just run the script again...

4) Now you have you base installation. You just need to configure it.
Open Notepad and create a file called server.cfg and put it in the c:\HLServer\orangebox\dod\cfg folder. (Remember NOT to save it as an "txt" file)
Heres a base server.cfg file, we used:
hostname "Test DOD:S Server"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
sv_password "testserverpw"
sv_cheats 0
mp_allowrandomclass 1
mp_allowspectators 0
mp_autocrosshair 1
mp_autokick 0
mp_cancelwarmup 1
mp_decals 200
mp_defaultteam 0
mp_falldamage 20
mp_flashlight 1
mp_footsteps 1
mp_forcecamera 1
mp_forcerespawn 1
mp_fraglimit 0
mp_friendlyfire 1
mp_limit_allies_assault -1
mp_limit_allies_mg 1
mp_limit_allies_rifleman -1
mp_limit_allies_rocket 0
mp_limit_allies_sniper 1
mp_limit_allies_support -1
mp_limit_axis_assault -1
mp_limit_axis_mg 1
mp_limit_axis_rifleman -1
mp_limit_axis_rocket 0
mp_limit_axis_sniper 1
mp_limit_axis_support -1
mp_limitteams 10
mp_restartwarmup 1
mp_timelimit 15
mp_warmup_time 1
mp_weaponstay 0

dod_freezecam 0 // disables "killcam"
dod_playrivalrysounds 0 //disables "Nemisis/revenge" sounds
dod_playachievementmusic 0 //disables achievement music

mapcyclefile "mapcycle.txt"
Most of these are self explaining, but theres a few thats not.
the lines with "mp_limit_allies..." are put there to control the number of players on each class (rifleman, support..etc)
-1 = unlimited
0 = None
1,2,3 = 1,2,3 etc

"mp_limitteams" can be used to disable autoteambalance.
The number states how many players one team can have over the other.

"mapcyclefile" states what the mapcycle file is called.

To start the DOD:S dedicated server you can use this command:
c:\HLServer\orangebox\srcds.exe -console -game dod -port 27015 +maxplayers 32 +map dod_anzio +exec server.cfg
Its maximum player number is 32 and is starts with Anzio. Next map will be whatever is listed in the mapcycle file.

You can use the command in a .bat file OR use Serverchecker(great tool):

How to update in the future with new DOD:S releases
Just run the .bat file created in step 3 again. It will check your installation and update it if needed.

For more info on Dedicated Server:

If you dont want to create the .txt and .bat files yourself, then you can download a zip file with them here:

This should get you going!

If you have additions for this please post them - then ill add them Smile

It is now possible to do most of this in the Steam GUI, but if you want a console dedicated server the above guide is still prefable.
16th October:
Fixed dead Serverchecker link...
27th June:
Updated with DOD:S Beta info
4th July:
DOD:S Beta release, old beta server setup deleted.
Added a few new CVARs
11th July:
Edited the launch BAT file to reflect the new path after DODS has been moved to the OrangeBox engine.
27th August:
Added one more NEW DODS cvar
20th Septmeber 2012:
Did some cleaning up and added download for scripts.
Linked to newer version of Serverchecker
the update tool really needs to be installed into a permanent directory, because you will need it to update the server any time an update is released.

also if you want something with more fuctionality to start the server instead of the batch file, you can use server checker.

just my $.02
skeletor Wrote:the update tool really needs to be installed into a permanent directory, because you will need it to update the server any time an update is released.

also if you want something with more fuctionality to start the server instead of the batch file, you can use server checker.

just my $.02
Thnx Smile

Iv changed the #2 point so its clear that it should be a permanent installations.

Iv added a link to Serverchecker in the guide Smile
(Great tool BTW)
EDIT: Corrected some spelling errors
EDIT: Added links to cvar lists
thank you for that! i will start to work on my dod:s server.cfg creator somtime soon. Big Grin
[quote]c:\srcds\srcds.exe -console -game dod -port 27015 +maxplayers 32 +map dod_anzio +exec server.cfg

where do we enter this?
__ im like a snake ... i see everything __
Quote:c:\srcds\srcds.exe -console -game dod -port 27015 +maxplayers 32 +map dod_anzio +exec server.cfg

where do we enter this??????????
__ im like a snake ... i see everything __
also it says creat a file and put all the stuff in it ... what kind of file??? plz tell me i really want to know how to make a server!
__ im like a snake ... i see everything __
SnakeEyes15 Wrote:also it says creat a file and put all the stuff in it ... what kind of file??? plz tell me i really want to know how to make a server!
You need to create a file using Notepad in step 4.
Make sure its saved as type "all files" and named it as described in step 4

Anybody knows what the consolecommand is for the server to list all servercommands?
I don't know the command on the server, not sure if there is one really.
on the client it's cvarlist
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Nice tut, you explain yourself well.... it worked for me Smile
[Image: doofosmitchor1.png]
^^First Sig Made By MEH! Tehe
doofosmitch Wrote:Nice tut, you explain yourself well.... it worked for me Smile
Thank you Smile Glad to hear that somebody enjoyed the tut
You don't need to keep the half-life update tool just add this to the end of the command that starts your server.

Then each time the server is started it will check if there is an update and if there is it will update all your files for that game.

That is my $0.2 worth.

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