SRCDS Steam group

voice servers

Especially if he tried connecting to his externel ip without opening the ports ^^
i must say that your hosting does look nice^^

Sorry for going off-topic
Can i ask you if it was any issues with ordering the ts3 license?

I'm on a little starting myself to host teamspeak 3 servers to people but i'm not completely sure how the license paying and amount works ^^

Do ts allow you to pay for used amount of slots or do one need to buy a fixed amount of slots?
You pay in tiers, and I cannot disclose the amount that we pay. ( It's not as cheap as you think )

I don't like Teamspeak hosting because of the licensing constraints and the license pricing... The market is full of TS and Ventrilo companies and its really difficult to make any money on voice hosting. Unless you're Darkstar who has a monopoly on any future Ventrilo licenses...

I have even thought about dropping it because of the low profit margins, but users convinced me otherwise...

Not to mention when you tell somebody that you don't have Ventrilo but you have Teamspeak they always seem to go "eww"

Teamspeak is too complex for the normal gamer... Thus why Ventrilo is the preferred. Even though Teamspeak is more efficient and can really do more than Ventrilo... Thus why Google is still number 1. Simplicity.
Looking for a game server? Visit and pick one up as low as $2.50 / mo!
Yeah, i do notice that a lot. The gamers want it quick and easy and most of them do not really want the hazzle of learning something new when they already know how ventrilo works.

But more and more people is discovering how much better teamspeak is. Especially when you point out to them the things they like. Like for example the avatars and banners of clans and also the file transferring. Also a little about how easy they can add people to groups and give them access.

I figured it would not be cheap, but one needs to start somewhere and i figured ts3 hosting is the most simple one for starting up. I did think about the idea of hosting ventrilo, but the prizes are different and as soon as more people discover how much greater ts3 is then they are more likely to switch.

One thing that bothers me is that ts3 is not out of beta yet, but even now it is a really good service.

We'll see. I have the setup ready and all services work fine, now i just need to get the front of this all up and running.. For starters, advertisement ^^
Well good luck... I don't think users are changing their mind that quickly. I think Ventrilo has like 75% Marketshare on hosted voice servers. Mohawk, Mumble, and Teamspeak make up the other 25%
Looking for a game server? Visit and pick one up as low as $2.50 / mo!
(01-20-2011, 06:18 PM)loopyman Wrote:  Well good luck... I don't think users are changing their mind that quickly. I think Ventrilo has like 75% Marketshare on hosted voice servers. Mohawk, Mumble, and Teamspeak make up the other 25%

Mumble > rest of the shit.

Problem? Also when people want me on Vent, their Vent suddently lags... :/

6.600posts lulwut!
Moved over to TS3 for our community due to the fact we could host up to 500 slots on our dedi for free. Wish Ventrilo would do something like that towards communities. TS3 is a little more complicated to get setup but it is just as good once you get it all online.

Game server support is always fun, did a bit of live/ticket support just over a year ago, had a few fustrating/lol moments.
Clan of Doom:

Yea that free slots / non profit license also kills the ts3 hosting market...
When clans / gaming communities can get a 500 user license and then host the voice server from home. :/
Looking for a game server? Visit and pick one up as low as $2.50 / mo!
(01-21-2011, 01:23 PM)loopyman Wrote:  Yea that free slots / non profit license also kills the ts3 hosting market...
When clans / gaming communities can get a 500 user license and then host the voice server from home. :/

but on the other hand it would be quite annoying if one wouldn't be able to run a teamspeak3 server on a rented root server without paying for the license. I think many people would switch to a free alternative then. (Linux Kernel HOWTO!)
Do not ask technical questions via PM!
Used mumble before TS made the NPO license. They at least changed one guy.
Mumble anyone? Free - no stupid license - open source - better quality of speech and works on all OS(even iphone and Android(ithink Big Grin))
No mobile devices Toungue
(01-21-2011, 08:54 PM)Nisd Wrote:  No mobile devices Toungue

There is smartphone support for Mumble Wink
I host Mumble for some folks who ask for it...
Doesn't use much CPU and RAM, but can climb on the network if you don't tune it correctly.
Looking for a game server? Visit and pick one up as low as $2.50 / mo!
(01-22-2011, 07:51 AM)loopyman Wrote:  I host Mumble for some folks who ask for it...
Doesn't use much CPU and RAM, but can climb on the network if you don't tune it correctly.

20players in a single channel did a maximum jump of 2MBit/s on my Mumble server.

I suggested everyone to allow maximum bandwidth, if their own network was capable of it.

But indeed, no usages of CPU or RAM was noticable(Linux OS) and quality of voice was good and didn't slack like it does on Ventrilo!
(01-21-2011, 12:06 AM)realchamp Wrote:  Mumble > rest of the s***.

I would have to agree. There has been a recent demand for Mumble by many possible clients who have personally contacted us. It has led us to start our Mumble environment that is scheduled to being done within the upcoming weeks. | Cheap Ventrilo Servers | Cheap Voice Servers
Highest Quality | Instant Setup | 24/7/365 Support | Locations World Wide

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