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sv_downloadurl tutorial questions and suggestions
Ok...well I've come to the conclusion that the entries I have in my config files and such are all good. It is some sort of problem on the webserver side. I had a friend set up some webspace on his windows server for me, and it worked like a charm. Both of the other webspace servers I'm trying to use are Linux based. Does that make a difference as far as Srcds is concerned? I can't use my friend's webserver to host, he is on a residential connection as well, so I still need to find out what is preventing me from doing this on the linux based webservers I am using...Does this new information help at all? Any new ideas or anything?
The only real difference is that linux is case sensitive whereas win isn't.

If you request CS_SomeMap from the redirect, and there is only cs_somemap, it'll return a 404.
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Hello, My clan runs cs:s and tf2 servers, we have got the fast map dl working on our webhost. The question i have is what is an estimate of how much bandwidth we'll be eating up with the fast DL? Our busy tf2 server is 24slot (almost always full ) and in 2 days of running a couple custom maps it seems we've went through 2gb of bandwidth/transfer. Is this good/bad/ugly? Anyone else running similar slots transfering custom maps from 10mb - 30mb is size to the server where no one has them? Any input on this is much appreciated, thx in advance.Big Grin
[Image: cooltext72187368.gif]
Well that really depends on how much bandwidth you have in total Wink If you have 2TB traffic there's not a problem at all.

Maybe if you haven't already, use BZIP, it will make it a lot less big.
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alas, we do not have 2000gb transfer i believe we're based more @ 10gb transferSad which by the looks of it we'll devour in less than a week, on our tf2 pub alone. does anyone use, 2tb transfer on pub servers? if so who's your host? i think in reality we'd be able to make 100gb work for us for all of our servers but haven't found much info on how much hosting companies charge for "additional" bandwidth. So anyone had a server running with fast dl and pushing say 30mb -+ to each unique client? How much bandwidth did you consume?
[Image: cooltext72187368.gif]
i think i have the same problem as Revenant. i'm using and if i try to join my server it says downloading the surf_xxx_betav1.bsp.bz2 then it moves on to surf_xxx_betav1.bsp then it says missing map. i'm not using bzip to eliminate variables like Revenant and i'm just trying to do the 1 map (surf_xxx_betav1.bsp) for testing.

i really want this to work so if someone can help me i would really really appreciate it.

EDIT: nvm i'm using somebody else's downloadurl. so hard to find a free one :-(
ok i've set up the file that i want it to download (only one text file to see if it works) to this location
and i've added this into server cfg: sv_downloadurl
how do i do because the download takes as much time as it do even if i dont use that site so what is wrong i dont think its even downloading from it....
[Image: 327815851.png]
If it downloads it's downloading from the downloadurl.
Free webhosts normally LIMIT the transfer rates so it won't use much bandwidth at all, thats why it's free.
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Drocona Wrote:If it downloads it's downloading from the downloadurl.
Free webhosts normally LIMIT the transfer rates so it won't use much bandwidth at all, thats why it's free.

o so u mean it is workin then Big Grin can u give me a link to a free fast webhost? Rolleyes
[Image: 327815851.png]
Read what I said lol.

Even if there is a fast free webhost, they might not even work. Also I wouldn't know about it cause I've been in the paid web hosting business for quite some time now (and learned that free is not that good at all)
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#26 4 bucks a month lol. Not much.
realchamp Wrote:
Hazz Wrote:Has someone helped you on these forums? If so, help someone else
Mooga Wrote:OrangeBox is a WHORE.
ok well im new to this fastdownload stuff but my clan has bought a web hosting and domain and stuff yet we put a real website on it yet thats finished that is. so i figured id try to do this for our pub im worken on it now atm. but i have some questions do i have really have tp bzip the sounds? and do u have to bzip the materials like skins at all?? also do u need to have the cstrike/maps/graphs files in there to or the cstrike/maps/soundcache or arent they needed in your webserver part?
You don't have to, but it's well worth the effort as the filesizes will be generally 50+% smaller allowing faster downloads, less bandwidth/load put on the server. Check my signature if you're looking for a tool to do it for you.
Manage your redirects/fast downloads with one click! SourceRSC and HL1RSC
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ok that means i should put the graphs and soundcaches into the websever part to so its faster download b/c i didnt even know ppl downloaded that shit?
You ONLY have to put your CUSTOM stuff on the webserver, so don't upload your whole server directory lol
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