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sv_downloadurl tutorial questions and suggestions
I was thinking of getting the deluxe plan webhosting option and just wanted to check with some of the more knowledgeable people here if these stats are decent for Fast HTTP downloading for 2-3 servers, and if it's what I actually need.

150GB Space and 1500GB Transfer.

Anybody else using godaddy hosting?
I have something like this from Godaddy that I use for my website and fastdownloads.
I use the premium plan with 3000gb transfer.
Just a note for you watch your bandwidth and harddrive space that you use they will screw you over if you go over. Smile
Something like 20$ a mb or something stupid, they tried to own me because I went over one day when a friend uploaded some large files.
I was lucky I had just changed my creditcard the week befor so I never got the 240$ bill they tryed to charge me. They worked it out pretty good for me I just upgraded my acount. Good luck.
ClanWoof Wrote:I have something like this from Godaddy that I use for my website and fastdownloads.
I use the premium plan with 3000gb transfer.
Just a note for you watch your bandwidth and harddrive space that you use they will screw you over if you go over. Smile
Something like 20$ a mb or something stupid, they tried to own me because I went over one day when a friend uploaded some large files.
I was lucky I had just changed my creditcard the week befor so I never got the 240$ bill they tryed to charge me. They worked it out pretty good for me I just upgraded my acount. Good luck.

Is it easy to monitor your bandwidth use? I've never done this before.
Yeah, they have something for it on there website. Smile
It was just a stupid friend of mine who tried to upload a 4Gig game. Toungue Used up the space on the harddrive.
OK, I'm running into a problem with godaddy hosting here. I suppose I need to set MIME types for .bz2's right? Well how do I do that when I can't connect with IIS 7.0 manager? Godaddy doesn't allow it, and they damn sure don't support adding mime types in their hosting control panel.

I know that some other hosting control panels allow adding of mime types, but I need a free one to do it. I hope there is a simple solution I'm not seeing as I'm pretty new to this.
Open a support ticket, they'll add it.
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Thats exactly what they did, thanks Smile
I am very thankful for this thread b/c it shedded alot of light on this topic. I do have some items that I think might help complete this topic though.

1. Could the first post of the tutorial include the requirement of having MIME type set properly? It seems several posts were made stating that is the last "requirement" to put in place.

2. I understand that the tutorial model was done w/ CSS, however, could a TF2 tutorial been done as well? I only ask that b/c I have seen countless tuts/instructions done for CSS, only to be said will be the same as TF2, and they actually are not the same. (ie., some file paths).

My situation is that I followed the first post exactly for my TF2 server. I have a separate location of the downloadurl. I made all the bz2 files for both the gameserver and the host location. (i also have RES files for each map on the host location, but seems that is not necessary for TF2?). I was not successful when i tested a map for bz2. A further side effect of having both .bsp and .bz2 of the same map on the game server is that in using SourceMod to select Maps, it displays the map twice.....

If someone has a TF2 server, is using SV_DownloadURL with BZ2 compression, then I request you to post your setup. Please? pLease?

thanks very much!
MjrNuT Wrote:they actually are not the same. (ie., some file paths).

It's the same concept, another tutorial would be a waste of time.

res files belong on the gameserver, you don't need to leave the .bz2 files on the gameserver once you've uploaded them to your http host.
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Masher Wrote:
MjrNuT Wrote:they actually are not the same. (ie., some file paths).

It's the same concept, another tutorial would be a waste of time.

res files belong on the gameserver, you don't need to leave the .bz2 files on the gameserver once you've uploaded them to your http host.

This is exactly what I'm talking about, more confusion. Your response is in contradiction with Dracona's original tutorial.

1. Dracona's post mentions no RES files anywhere
2. The bz2 files are stated to be along with the bsp files on the gameserver.

I do thank you for your response, but either you are incorrect or Dracona is, or both are. Sad

So, I'm still left holding the bag... I hope you understand my frustration
1. Both are correct in a way MjrNut, I haven't mentioned RES files since they don't have anything to do with the download_url. RES files are simply files that make an index for the server telling what files CLIENTS need to play on the server. Clients don't ever get to see or download RES files, also RES files usage is minimal these days, all custom maps can be compiled with the materials and sounds in one file, the .bsp. There were some times (also even now) that people us RES files because they didn't include all the custom files into the .bsp for example.

2. I recommend keeping the .bz2 files on the actual gameserver too, some people have "said" to have problems NOT having them on the gameserver. I however have only heard this by speech, I never tried myself. On the other hand, what's the problem keeping them on the gameserver too? The files aren't THAT big usually.

You should ALWAYS keep the .bsp on the gameserver no matter what, else it simply won't load. You do NOT need the .bsp on the HTTP server if you have the .bz2 there.
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I know for a fact bz2 doesn't need to be on the gameserver....I've never had any problems, and users of my utility have never reported a problem as such.

I've written a tool that automates the whole process, I do like to believe I know what I'm talking about in regards to fast downloads/redirection.

Edit: Dracona beat me to the reply Wink
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Drocona Wrote:1. Both are correct in a way MjrNut, I haven't mentioned RES files since they don't have anything to do with the download_url. RES files are simply files that make an index for the server telling what files CLIENTS need to play on the server. Clients don't ever get to see or download RES files, also RES files usage is minimal these days, all custom maps can be compiled with the materials and sounds in one file, the .bsp. There were some times (also even now) that people us RES files because they didn't include all the custom files into the .bsp for example.

2. I recommend keeping the .bz2 files on the actual gameserver too, some people have "said" to have problems NOT having them on the gameserver. I however have only heard this by speech, I never tried myself. On the other hand, what's the problem keeping them on the gameserver too? The files aren't THAT big usually.

You should ALWAYS keep the .bsp on the gameserver no matter what, else it simply won't load. You do NOT need the .bsp on the HTTP server if you have the .bz2 there.

Thanks very much for that clarity!!

I don't have a problem w/ the bz2 being on the game server exactly. The "issue" that comes about when that happens is when I go into my admin program to change a map (I use SourceMod), the map is listed twice. I have no idea which one to pick as it does NOT show which is the bsp or the bz2.

I completely understand everything else. I have tested successfully w/o haveing RES files. I understand their need for certain cases. However, where exactly do the RES file reside on the gameserver for my own edification.
res files go in the maps folder
Manage your redirects/fast downloads with one click! SourceRSC and HL1RSC
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So allow me to run this by you guys on setup to test the bz2 compression for 1 map wrt the gameserver and the webhost. Please provide any corrections as I want to be exactly precise with this.

TF2 map called cp_castle3.bsp


Res file in /maps/cp_castle3.res with following content:
{"maps/cp_castle3.bsp.bz2" "file"}

Web Host:

Is this it? (for now, I'd like to avoid bz2 file on gameserver)

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