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um do you know of any good network optimizations for windows 2000
windows XP SP2
Amd xp 3200+
Daul 100 gb maxtor HDDS
1 GB of ram
gigabyte GA-7n400-L Mobo
Acer 56x Cd drive
Nvidia 6600GT Vid card
I wish I could find the topic on the boards about FPSboost. I tell you what, let me zip up my fps booster files and attach them when I can
i already have the srcdsbooster.exe but if you have any other aditional files i will gladly take them.
windows XP SP2
Amd xp 3200+
Daul 100 gb maxtor HDDS
1 GB of ram
gigabyte GA-7n400-L Mobo
Acer 56x Cd drive
Nvidia 6600GT Vid card
I will have to wait until I get access to my backup HD. The other files just made the ping booster a service in the background of windows
how to make a .res or .nav file???and what file i need to make if i have mp3???please help me
.nav files are being created when you run a map with bots on it
.res files have to be made in notepad, try search on the forums here, it's been asked millions of times
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how do i get my materials and models files to download

my maps and sounds work fine

i have a problem. I put all the maps on the Server (HL2DM) and the Webspace. The URL is right, the path is right, the files are compressed with BZIP2.

I removed some of the maps on my PC´s map folder for testing if the map is going to download. But it isn´t. It always says its a missing map when I want to connect to my server, with one of those maps running.

I checked the folder permissions, the user rights, all is ok. But it isn´t running. Can there be something I am missing here why its not working ?

Some few of the maps are downloading, so it can´t be permissions or wrong files. Could the size of a map make a difference ? I can´t understand whats the reason.... Sad

Sorry, posted in wrong section.
Thx for the help...
WarBirD, you might want to check what net_maxfilesize is set to, maybe increase it a bit and see if it works then
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I suppose thats a setting I have to do in my personal cfg of HL2. Ok, I will check on that. But the weird thing is, like I said, some of the maps are working with download, and one of them was 5x bigger than the ones for example that do not work. So can it be the net_maxfilesize still ?


P.S: Thx for your answer though, appreciated. Wink
Yeh that's why I came with the net_maxfilesize, that variable is defaulted to 16 meg or something if I remember correctly. It means that the server will send files with a MAXIMUM of 16 MB so everything bigger won't download. That's where the errors come from most of the time. So see what it's at by simply typing it in the console.
Set it to something like 80 to be sure everything downloads.
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any where u can down load mani admin if so please contact!!!
alantio Wrote:any where u can down load mani admin if so please contact!!!

WTF? try google?
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