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Ive created an installer for BZIP2 if there are people that got problems with it Wink
And yes you can download mani,
Never heard of google ? lol

Greetings SNipy50
Guys I got a bit of a problem, I have uploaded all my maps to my webspace and removed the maps to from the game directory to test it. And it still seems its pulling the maps from my machine I have double checked the url I have in my server.cfg and it is true. Checked also my syntax and made sure download and upload is enabled. For some reason when clicking on the files in my browser I get a 404 error. I have doublechecked that they do exists on the webspace but they won't download.. what gives??
hi guys iv read all the replys here.iv added my maps to web server and put cmds in cfg but im getting an error could'nt crc map.can anyone help me?
It means there's an error somewhere in your syntax. Can be in the command or somewhere on the webserver.
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try 200gb space, 2,000gb bandwidth $5.95/month..
Alright i'm having a problem heres my setup from in garrysmod:

sv_downloadurl ""
sv_allowupload 1
sv_allowdownload 1
net_maxfilesize 100 (just for testing)

and it still reads missing map when i join, i'm getting frustrated.
i have my addons, maps and other folder copied directly to the FTP host to mirror my server files. but still no go.
I did all of everything told to do, but mine is not working, it will work sometimes but not all the time, it will work like once, any ideas?

I'm experiencing a weird problem and i hope someone might know why/how to fix it.

I have set sv_downloadurl and its working just fine with the bsp uploaded to the webserver. But when i upload the bsp.bz2 to the same folder and rename the bsp to something else (so the bsp.bz2 will be loaded instead) I get the "missing map" error in CSS.

I don't know if there is some kind of problem with the webserver not wanting to transmit the bz2 files or if its some kind of other problem.

server running on debian, files uploaded to godaddy account

Help is greatly appreciated.

Thank, CU
the webserver won't let you download the bz2 maps? That may be an issue with the webserver. Its been a really long time since I delt with all that, but I do know that sometimes if the webserver doesn't recognize the file type it won't allot it to download. If you go to the url directly in like IE will it let you downlod it, or does it give a 404 error.
The webserver will let me download directly, the url works just fine in IE/Firefox.
Ok, just let me get this straight. Everything worked just fine when you had the bsp files on the webserver and the game server. Then you just replaced the bsp files on the webserver with the bsp.bz2 files, and you still have the bsp files on the game server. Now the maps won't download? Like the game server will still run the maps just fine, but when you try to connect and download the map it won't download?

Basically I am wondering if the missing map error is client or server.
yes that is exactly the problem. I don't think its a client error either, because i have downloaded lots of bsp.bz2 maps off of other servers before.

Only other thing i can think of is maybe one of the plugins on the server is somehow screwing up the download process.

I have the following installed:
Mani Admin
MetaMod Source
its not so much that there is a problem with the client, but the fact that the client just isn't getting the maps. If you are at the server console window, and change the map to one of the bziped maps do any errors show in the console window? If there are no errors in the console window and you try to connect to the server, if it doesn't allow you to download the map, and you have everything in the right folders on the webserver and the game server pointed to the right url, I would say for some reason your host isn't allowing them to download.

I don't think the plugins would stop the download, but a good way to test that is to just disable the plugins and test it.
aww man, i found the problem *slaps himself*

I thought srcds automatically looks for a bsp.bz2 map file on the web server. apparently it has to have the bsp.bz2 file in the server maps folder so it knows to look for it on the web server :/

sorry for my stupidity, i should have noticed that a lot earlier...

at least it might help someone in the future with the same problem ^_^
sori for this noob question....
is sv_downloadurl only works with steam? what if i use it on non-steam?
im confuse becoz on my server it seems the sv_downloadurl is not working,
but i've found other server (same non-steam server) the sv_downloadurl is working fine...
is there any help??

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