SRCDS Steam group

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what i meant to ask how do i know if the sv_download url is working
windows XP SP2
Amd xp 3200+
Daul 100 gb maxtor HDDS
1 GB of ram
gigabyte GA-7n400-L Mobo
Acer 56x Cd drive
Nvidia 6600GT Vid card
O ok...

One way to test is to remove YOUR custom files from the Counter Strike Source directory AND then connect to the server. You should redownload ALL files as a single progress bar AND not files one by one.

that is how you do it and tell.
ok i figured it out thnx. something thats off topic but if you run a server on a modem by itself will it run better? i have 4 comps on 1 modem and all of them dont share bandwith.
windows XP SP2
Amd xp 3200+
Daul 100 gb maxtor HDDS
1 GB of ram
gigabyte GA-7n400-L Mobo
Acer 56x Cd drive
Nvidia 6600GT Vid card
Run a test at...

And choose the closest data center AND the data center In Dallas Texas and post the 2 results here.

From that we can determine what the maximum amount of players you can have on a source server at one time.
2878 kb/s download 700 kb/s upload im here in cali. im running around 10 to 12 players and usually it doesnt fill all the way up
windows XP SP2
Amd xp 3200+
Daul 100 gb maxtor HDDS
1 GB of ram
gigabyte GA-7n400-L Mobo
Acer 56x Cd drive
Nvidia 6600GT Vid card
With that upload 10 players should run well, assuming your upload is stable most of the time (no great drops or spikes)

I recommend reading the Valve article that discusses various ways to optimize your server. I have used the techniques before and they are all great methods of controlling rates and what not.

Optimize SRCDS


I would also like to take this time to say over my holiday break I will be writing up a more in depth look at sv_downloadurl for server admins. I would also like to say that I plan to get back into the SRCDS game since I will be re-installing Windows 2000 back on to my server box which I will eventually have co-located at my local ISP. So stay tuned to me for more info on that.
say i have xp home right now and the operating system is optomized to its best internet interface etc.. would it be a good idea to do a install of windows 2000 to make it run faster or would it be the same?
windows XP SP2
Amd xp 3200+
Daul 100 gb maxtor HDDS
1 GB of ram
gigabyte GA-7n400-L Mobo
Acer 56x Cd drive
Nvidia 6600GT Vid card
If you have Windows 2000, I would use it if you don't mind reinstalling and reformatting your hard drive. Windows 2000 is one of the most stable operating systems for servers ever. If you don't have time / don't want to reinstall windows XP home will do just fine


If you are not familar with Windows 2000 Server Family, you can muck up DNS stuff in it really bad. So unless you are very familar with windows 2000, I do not suggest using it for anything else other than a server (no web browsing, gaming etc)

If that is the case stick with XP so you can play games and run a server just fine.
well my server is on its own box and the only thing running on it is srcds-console. i have no problem with the reformat just wondering if i would get a performance boost out of a fresh copy of 2000. i also found a good free webhost with 300MB space and 80gb of monthly bandwith check it out.
windows XP SP2
Amd xp 3200+
Daul 100 gb maxtor HDDS
1 GB of ram
gigabyte GA-7n400-L Mobo
Acer 56x Cd drive
Nvidia 6600GT Vid card
I'd rather host on Win XP than Win2000. Best to use is win2003.
[Image: banner.gif]

Meh Win2003 so far has been ok from My experience. In reality, Linux would be the best platform to run on, but it requires a bit more extensive knowledge. However with my Win2000 server last time I had to reboot it was about a month ago, and it can go longer than that without any thing like long power failures at home. Win2003 has been less reliable to me than 2000.

In regards, a fresh copy of any windows will make the server run better.
Normally w2003 is more stable than w2000, also srcds is optimized for windows hosting, not linux.
[Image: banner.gif]

Erm Windows you have to optimize it. You have to add a fps booster to get it up to max fps, while Linux doesn't need that extra step. Many Server admins already have Linux web servers, so they just create a virtual host for the SRCDS on a separate NIC to maximize bandwidth. Same with how GoDaddy has many hosting accounts on a few servers. In the end SRCDS will perform on both platforms very well once you unlock Windows FPS ceiling. With the comparison of Windows 2000 vs 2003 for many they may already have 2000 server platform as it is older and well tested. Depending on each server set up and from my experience, I have had SRCDS and HLDS run much better on 2000 than my 2003 box, similar machines keep in mind you...almost the same hardware. Just my two cents on that issue.

On another note, your server lives and DIES on RAM, so the more RAM you have the faster you can do map changes and server start ups.
Your system does not live or die on ram, I run a dual 275 on only 2 gb ram, running 11 servers in total.

srcds = windows built.

2003 = newer than 2000, both have to be optimized (same with any linux kernel though)

fps boost = wmp (start >> programs >> entertainment >> windows media player)
[Image: banner.gif]

With more RAM, map changes are faster which determines if your server lives or dies. As players do not wish to wait a long time for the server to prep before they hit the cancel button. I am also assuming your not running 11, 32 man servers

Going from 1 gig to 2 gig on my dual SRCDS Lan server moved the map change time from about 15-20 seconds close to 5.

SRCDS is designed for both Windows AND Linux. It has two very different builds, so saying that the Linux one is not native is not accurate. Remember that both HLDS and SRCDS utilize the hldsupdatetool.exe. With Linux as long as your kernel is up to date there is no fps ceiling. With windows you need to use the fpsbooster or that windows media player trick you mentioned, and yes for both 2000 and 2003. Quote: "I have had SRCDS and HLDS run much better on 2000 than my 2003 box, similar machines keep in mind you...almost the same hardware. Just my two cents on that issue." While yes 2003 is newer, keep in mind that 2003 is built from the frame work of 2000, it just has newer code and newer versions of ISS. 2000 is more than likely going to be much easier for one to obtain at a low cost. Unlike Windows XP, if you are running a server you do not always need the newest versions. For example, I work at an ISP in my area, and we host a lot of co-located boxes and pizza boxes for clients. Majority of those are Linux, followed by many 2000, and then a group of 2003 and a few other clusters. If you have 2003 give it a shot, but dont be afraid to test 2000 with your set up also. Depending on how you install each OS, your overhead may differ, thus helping SRCDS run smoother.

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