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I followed the instruction
I already got a site domain so its like that
thats the location where I placed "maps" & "sound"
I've entered this in server.cfg file :

sv_downloadurl "http://www.mysite/cstrike/"
sv_allowupload 1
sv_allowdownload 1

So when I test it out it doesn't download anything at all

I've made a RES file
for example de_aztec.bsp > de_aztec.res
In that RES file I've entered = sound/connect/bgmusic.mp3

Ofcourse the path on the server exists so does the file but no matter what it doesn't load when I connect (I've checked out in my CS location sound/connect/bgmusic.mp3 does not exist)...

Please help me out on this I got my head twisted already THX a lot !
Please check if you use the right syntax inside the res file Smile

Should be:
"sound/misc/sound1.wav" "file"
"sound/misc/sound2.wav" "file"
"sound/misc/sound3.wav" "file"
"sound/misc/sound4.wav" "file"

Oh and I sugest removing the link to your hosted files, I'm 99% sure some noob will use it and steal your bandwidth, keep the locations to yourself. (I checked it and your settings are correct, sv_downloadurl and the webadress.)

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Drocona THANK YOU VERY MUCH you've helped me alot thanks again !!!
PLEASE HELP. What do I name my .res file and which directory do I put it in?
Nevermind. But if I only have say gm_playground.bsp do I need a res file? Like many maps are just the bsp itself. Does that require a res file?

Thanks in advance.
if you have EXTRA stuff to use on that map then yes, you need a res file for it.
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Ok I'm always runnin into sumpin that gets me and it usually not being able to see the forest for the trees. lol... I am no nube to CS:S been playin since beta and have been adminin for some time.

Now.. I have my fast dnloads and all the mime types set so all textures and everything else goes to clients but heres the prob..
Not all clients that join the server can dnload the map. Some are getting the map differs and I have told them how to fix that.
The other thing is cant download missing map ???
makes no sence because others are able to dnload it as well as all other files pertaining to server. Reading up on the issue I have heard that either the client has a ping out issue and some clients having the map prob run 20-30 pings not it and the other thing I heard was the map changing while dnloading. And the clients also having the prob are unable to dnload during the begining of map. Now I do have my files bzip2 so the transfer happens faster and i know it isnt that because i had the problem before bzipin the files. Bzip2 also works well with source so that shouldnt be the issue..
So what do u think forum gurus????
What could it be?

they can dnload the map from our web page or a map site just getting probs with the server. heres my Ip lots of customs and see if it gives u a problem..
Thanks for any help you can give.
[Image: 2_random.png]
I was thinking it may be an issue with a client setting that was hindering the process. As we all know Steam has vac but tells every1 how to change their client side comands to enhance their proformance. lol...
"inhance" i like the word except it seems to cause problems with servers and i think after reviewing some of the game enhancers that their hacks . But thats just me..

but i was thinking more along the lins of cl_allowdownload 1
cl_allow_download 1
cl_download_max 0 //unlimited number of files

Dont know..

what do u guys think
[Image: 2_random.png]
the cl_ commands represent commands that apply only to the clients machine. changing your cl_blah will not change another players cl_blah
Ok like I posted I am no noob to running a server. and the cl_bla's i am refering to are for the clients that are having the problem. not all clients are having the problem so I know its not a server side issue. the only reason if my post is read in its intierty i posted the clientside settings was so other admins could look them over and tell me if those would work or if they could think of any that the clients that are having the problem could use to correct the issue.
Not trying to be snappy but I though I would not get such a accusingly snappy response to my I thought very detailed post on a problem concerning http dnloads and client issues.

Oh and by the way... Nice avatar!
[Image: 2_random.png]
thank you, and im sorry i mis-interpreted your post.

yes those cl_ commands are correct and should allow downloads. also sorry if i came accross as being with a "snappy" response.

What is your current sv_downloadurl host? Could you also post the full cstrike link to it that would also help. Also ensure you have your cmod attribs set right so ANY one can view it from firefox or internet explorer. Also ensure that you also alow directory browsing for access.

Does anyone know some free ok web hosting or cheap web hosting?
#29 $5 for 1 gig and unlimited bandwidth.


Hey Guys,

So I bzip'd all the map files and hosted them on my webserver. I added these lines to my server config...

sv_downloadurl ""
sv_allowdownload 1
sv_allowupload 1

But whenever someone attempts to download the map they get an error saying that the "map is missing". This is for HL2DM but it should be the same for all source games. Is there something I am doing wrong?

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