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Be sure to add any custom materials + .nav files zipped to that mirror (in their original folder setup).

Change your sv_downloadurl to:
[Image: banner.gif]

I just have 2 custom maps (bsp files) that I want to run on my half life dm source server. No sounds or anything else other than 2 simple bsp files. So I shouldn't have to do a res or any other these other steps listed in this thread right?

sv_downloadurl ""

Just put my simple bsp (maps) in that directory and when users connect to my server, they will be able to autodload right?

EDIT: nevermind. I tested it on my server and it works. The different instructions on the first two pages got overwhelming and confused me a bit Smile
i think so it does that on my server
why cant be free
wtf because it's a buisiness, they pay money for their equipment lol?
weird question... or I'm just not getting it....
Join the Source Dedicated Server Support Group on Steam Community!
Source Dedicated Server (SRCDS)
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Maybe he means just the domain? is free for registration!
[Image: banner.gif]

Um its not free, but you could go get some hosting @ godaddy for about 3.99 a month. You then could also run a web server along side your sv_downloadurl dir.
[Image: banner.gif]

how do i allow users to access the files if i am using a flashfxp program do i just change the attrabutes to read and thats it or what do i do
yes if they can read it should be fine, also be sure the folder the files are in has allowed it too
Join the Source Dedicated Server Support Group on Steam Community!
Source Dedicated Server (SRCDS)
Free to join, Live support! (When available)
hey if i am using a webserver do i have to use the BZIP2 program or can i not compress any of my files

like for every map in my maps folder on my webserver i have this:

is that ok or do they need to be compressed and does that go to the same with the sound, matereals, and models
no you dont have to compress.
Compressing saves time and bandwidth tho so any files bigger than 1Mb is good to compress.
Join the Source Dedicated Server Support Group on Steam Community!
Source Dedicated Server (SRCDS)
Free to join, Live support! (When available)
If you compress files <1mb, it will usually increase that file to over 1mb. Be picky on what you choose to compress.
how do you know if it worked or not. and also if you bzip your files will it save bandwith?
windows XP SP2
Amd xp 3200+
Daul 100 gb maxtor HDDS
1 GB of ram
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Nvidia 6600GT Vid card
worked as in bzip`ed? Yes they will save bandwidth because less file size is moving over your connection. You should zip custom models, maps, other larges files. If you are unsure, bzip. THEN compare the actual file size with its bzip counter part. If Bzip > real file, DONT upload it as a bzip. REMEMBER, you CAN have both Bzip files and Real files on the same svdownload url server. However dont have a copy of both a bzip and real file for each.

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