12-12-2004, 04:12 AM
Please post here your server.cfg snippets and information

server.cfg resource thread
12-12-2004, 04:12 AM
Please post here your server.cfg snippets and information
Fiew things i stumped in while playing around with the linux server:
1. maxplayers is hardcoded limited to 16 2. add your configuration variables into valve.rc instead of server.cfg, most the setings that are in server.cfg only get activated with first mapchange, same exact setings from valve.rc are activated at server start ![]()
12-12-2004, 11:33 AM
HL²dm sample:
Code: // Server Name
Does anybody have a nice working server.cfg (or valve.rc) for a CS:S server?
I have searched everywhere without any results. Thanks!
12-16-2004, 08:32 AM
Thanks for posting this.
I'm still not sure how to invoke the thing. Can it be done from the command line with exec or something? Does it need to be somewhere special?
This is my server.cfg
hostname "Free-Lag Server v0.1" mp_friendlyfire 1 mp_autokick 1 rcon_password "password" sv_region 3 sv_stats 1 log 1 mp_logfile 1 log_level 0 sv_instancebaselines 1 sv_unlag 1 sv_maxrate 8192 sv_minrate 0 sv_maxupdaterate 10 fps_max 100 sv_allowdownload 1 sv_allowupload 1 sv_voiceenable 1 sv_alltalk 1 sv_voicequality 2 sv_cheats 1 sv_pausable 0 mp_tkpunish 1 mp_autokick 1 mp_spawnprotectiontime 10 sv_timeout 40 mp_forcecamera 0 mp_allowspectators 1 mp_fadetoblack 0 violence_hblood 1 violence_hgibs 1 servercfgfile 1 mp_startmoney 10000 mp_allowspectators 1 sv_bounce 0 sv_rollangle 0 sv_rollspeed 200 decalfrequency 10 mp_autocrosshair 1 r_VehicleViewDampen 1 r_JeepViewDampenFreq 7.0 r_JeepViewZHeight 10.0 r_AirboatViewDampenFreq 7.0 r_AirboatViewDampenFreq 7.0 r_AirboatViewZHeight 0.0 sv_accelerate 10 sv_airaccelerate 10 sv_wateraccelerate 10 sv_noclipaccelerate 5 sv_noclipspeed 5 sv_specaccelerate 3 sv_specnoclip 1 See U ![]()
12-29-2004, 07:38 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-29-2004, 07:39 PM by dez_holling.)
jaybill Wrote:Thanks for posting this. You can invoke the server.cfg file by placing it in ...srcds/cstrike/cfg/
01-08-2005, 06:08 AM
I have placed the server.cfg file in the above mentioned folder but it will not load, keeps saying
couldn't exec server.cfg What am I doing wrong?
01-08-2005, 06:57 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-08-2005, 07:17 AM by [ROX] UniSoL.)
Someone else brought this up on this board in a different thread.
Make sure you didn't actually save the file as "server.cfg.txt". Make sure in Windows Explorer\Tools\Folder Options\View tab that Hide extionsons for known file types is turned off. Edit: Here is the link to the thread regarding my post: http://www.srcds.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=116
PING: The scapegoat for your inadequacies since 1974
01-11-2005, 05:59 AM
Thanks, that fixed it.
01-21-2005, 03:42 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-21-2005, 03:43 PM by theansaname.)
hostname "TheRedBarn"
rcon_password ";;;;;;;;;;;" //sv_password //password to join server //exec autoexec.cfg exec mani_server.cfg //loads admin mod exec bot.cfg decalfrequency 10 //amount of decal/sprays visible //mp_fraglimit 100 //frags to map change mp_timelimit 30 //minutes to mapchange mp_weaponstay 0 //weapons stay after being picked up mp_forcerespawn 0 //force player to respoawn after 4 secs mp_falldamage 0 //extra dmg for falling mp_teamplay 1 //1 enables //mp_teamlist mp_footsteps 1 //1 enables mp_flashlight 1 //1 enables //mp_allowNPCs mp_friendlyfire 0 //1 enables mp_tkpunish 1 //dmg to give mp_autokick 1 //1 enables idle kicks / team-kill banning mp_autoteambalance 1 //1 enables mp_spawnprotectiontime 10 //seconds of protection mp_forcecamera 0 //1 enables mp_allowspectators 1 //1 enables //mp_fadetoblack 0 mp_startmoney 3500 mp_chattime 15 //seconds to talk smack at round end mp_autocrosshair 1 //1 enables shows mp_roundtime 5 //in minutes mp_limitteams 2 //number a team can have more of than other mp_freezetime 0 //seconds to buy crap mp_c4timer 35 //in seconds //sv_contact email sv_region 0 //0 - US EastCoast sv_stats 1 sv_lan 0 //1 enables lan only //sv_instancebaselines 1 //sv_unlag 1 sv_maxrate 8192 //data sent to clients sv_minrate 4000 //data sent to clients sv_maxspeed 360 //client speed sv_cheats 0 //1 enables sv_voiceenable 1 //1 enables sv_alltalk 0 //1 enables talk to everyone sv_allowupload 0 //1 enables clients cannot upload
03-20-2005, 02:50 AM
heres mine.. highly configurable CS:S cfg
Code: // Main Config File by Drocona thats it (added explanation to all for new people to understand)
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03-26-2005, 06:21 AM
// Use this file to configure your SOURCE DEDICATED server.
// This config file is executed everytime the server changes levels. // This file is made by -=ViViD=- Racquel, you can visit us @ http://www.vividclan.com // *********** SERVER & PASSWORD INFO *************** // Change it to 1 if you want a LAN only Server sv_lan 0 // contact & geo 0=US East coast, 1=US West coast, 2= South America, 3=Europe, 4=Asia, 5=Australia, 6=Middle East, 7=Africa and 255=world. // Change the number to the region you live in!!! sv_region 3 // Give your server a name here hostname "ur host name" // Rcon password is used to give your server orders by using console, so think of a good password rcon_password "server password" // If you want your server to be private, fill in a password and delete the // in front of sv_password // sv_password "Putyourprivatepasswordhere" // *********** GAME SETTINGS, YOU CAN CHANGE THESE THE WAY YOU LIKE IT *************** // Sets the amount of minutes players are able to buy mp_buytime 1 // Sets the amount of starting money, max=16000 mp_startmoney 16000 // Sets the amount of secs before C4 explodes mp_c4timer 45 // 1 enables flashlight, 0 disables it mp_flashlight 1 // 1 enables hearing footsteps, 0 disables it mp_footsteps 1 // 1 enables falling damage, 0 disables it mp_falldamage 1 // Sets the number of hostages a player can kill before they are booted from the server. 0 is disabled mp_hostagepenalty 0 // TIME, WIN & ROUND SETTINGS // Timelimit is how many minutes for a map. mp_timelimit 40 // When a team reaches this amount of wins (before the timelimit or the roundlimit is // reached), it has won the map. 0=disabled mp_winlimit 0 // When two teams finish playing this amount of rounds (before the timelimit or the // winlimit is reached) the map ends. 0=disabled mp_maxrounds 0 // Round time, in minutes. After this amount of minutes has passed, // a scenario win is awarded. Min 1, Max 9 mp_roundtime 5 // Sets the seconds before players can move in the beginning of a round mp_freezetime 5 // TEAMBALANCING // Toggles the forcing of clients to join teams to make it balanced. 1=on and 0=off mp_autoteambalance 1 // Sets the maximum number of players that one team can have more than the // other team. Use a setting of '0' to completely disable the team limiting. mp_limitteams 1 // FF & TEAMKILL & IDLE // Toggles friendly fire 1=on and 0=off mp_friendlyfire 1 // Toggles the forcing of a player to sit out the next round if he // has just killed a teammate. 1=on and 0=off mp_tkpunish 1 // Kick idle/team-killing players. 1=on and 0=off mp_autokick 1 // Kick players who team-kill within this many seconds of a round restart. mp_spawnprotectiontime 0 // After this many seconds without a message from a client, the client is dropped sv_timeout 300 // SPECTATORS // Restricts spectator modes for dead players. 1=on and 0=off mp_forcecamera 0 // toggles whether the server allows spectator mode or not. 1=on and 0=off mp_allowspectators 1 // fade a player's screen to black when he dies. 1=on and 0=off mp_fadetoblack 0 // ************ IF YOU HAVE LAG ISSUES YOU CAN CHANGE THESE SETTINGS, IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING ***************** // SET RATES // Max bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0=unlimited, max=20000 sv_maxrate 1800 // sv_maxrate 1500 // Min bandwidth rate allowed on server, default 1000 0=unlimited, 4000=good to keep dialup gamers off the server // sv_minrate 1500 sv_minrate 0 // Maximum updates per second that the server will allow, default 30 increasing this will take more cpu power, 100 is max sv_maxupdaterate 5 // sv_maxupdatrate 8 // Frame rate limiter, higher then 100 not needed, unless shots are not registered well fps_max 300 // DOWNLOAD // Allow clients to download files sv_allowdownload 1 // Allow clients to upload customizations files sv_allowupload 1 // *********** IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING YOU CAN CHANGE THESE SETTINGS AS WELL ************* // SERVER LOGGING // log 1 // mp_logfile 1 // mp_logecho 0 // Specifies a logging level 0 to 15. Using 15 is max logging // log_level 0 // VOICE disabled, if you want VOICE enabled then change 0 into 1 sv_voiceenable 1 // CHEATS & autoaim off sv_cheats 0 // disable clients' ability to pause the server sv_pausable 0 // OTHER SETTINGS // amount of seconds players can chat after the game is over rcon mp_chattime 10 // if not 0 then game will restart in the specified number of seconds sv_downloadurl "" cl_cmdrate 30 cl_updaterate 30 sv_gravity 800 exec mani_server.cfg // exec sounds_source.cfg exec banned_user.cfg exec banned_ip.cfg mp_restartgame 0 mani_vote_percentage 60 mani_stats_calculate 2 mani_stats_kills_required 1 sv_alltalk 1 phys_pushscale 200
03-26-2005, 08:39 AM
Code: // server name It's a mess, I know :-x. There are tabs between the commands/comments, but they don't show here.
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