Hi everybody. Allow me to introduce something to you. I'm developping a web-based rcon administration for my own server. I'm actually not able to play these times, and distant rcon has been de-activated.
So I'm sharing the idea, is anyone intersted in that tool? If so, I could work on it to make a distribution of this tool, and then installable on most servers.
Here is what you wanna know on this tool.
Here's a screenshot if you wanna know what does this look like:
![[Image: SyllocAdministrationSayMonitor005.PNG]](http://www.sylloc.com/resources/SyllocAdministrationSayMonitor005.PNG)
So I'm sharing the idea, is anyone intersted in that tool? If so, I could work on it to make a distribution of this tool, and then installable on most servers.
Here is what you wanna know on this tool.
Quote:Web-Based Rcon Administration – by Sylloc
Useful if you want to admin your server remotely from a web browser. From where you can’t play or where you can’t use HLSW or another tool like this one.
Tool Version: Unknown… Status: Alpha release (so under v1.0)
- View online players: teams, country (based on HLStatsX countries), spawning status, score, deaths, ping and more
- Say as console during the game
- View every event: like if you were in the game, you can see who kills who, with which weapon, who suicides and who connects, changes team, changes name and leaves the game.
- Changing map: change map, choose your map in the current mapcycle list or in the whole map directory.
- Warn/Kick/Ban player: warn player, when you warn a player 3 times, he’s automatically kicked or banned, choose the time you want to ban him.
- Admin history: view the history of your admins’ actions.
- Monitoring section entirely dynamic: don’t bother to reload the page to see what’s happening.
- PHP 5.1 or greater
- MySQL 5.0 or greater (MySQL 4 non-tested)
- HLStatsX v1.20
- Rcon enabled
- AJAX browser compatible (at least Firefox 2, Opera 9, Internet Explorer 7 or Safari 3).
- Javascript activated
Possible future features:
- Multilingual
- Multiple admins with access rights management
- Many things yet, but it’s progressing.
Here's a screenshot if you wanna know what does this look like: