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Problems adding custom sounds using Mani...FIXED!
It is fixed! hooray!

The problem was sv_downloadurl "" in my server.cfg file...this had an old url in the quotes from the days when this server was used for CZ...that was causing the game to check the website for the sound files instead of d/ling from the server itself...what a headache! Now it works great!
Thanks for all the help!
lol yea.. it would do that.. you should only have a website there if you have all your custom content stored on the webserver so it will download from it.
skeletor Wrote:lol yea.. it would do that.. you should only have a website there if you have all your custom content stored on the webserver so it will download from it.

ok I have a question now I'm getting the same error, but some of my sounds work and some of them do not.

I am using Mani admin plugin, on a dedicated server on my laptop.

I have double checked everything, but still do not understand why some of the sounds would work and some of them would not.
Sounds have to be a specific format, check one of the sounds that do work and save the rest in that way too.
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That is what I thought also, but when i checked my files, .wav files, and .mp3 files were both working, but some of them were not. They were like mixed and matched.

Some .wav files worked and some didnt
Some .mp3 files worked and some didnt
It doesn't matter if it's .mp3 or wav, it depends on how many Hz it's recorded, mono/stereo and stuff like that, check one of the sounds that does work for the correct values, then save the others that way too.

In case you can't find a program to do this:
Wavepad, it's free and very easy to use.
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Drocona Wrote:It doesn't matter if it's .mp3 or wav, it depends on how many Hz it's recorded, mono/stereo and stuff like that, check one of the sounds that does work for the correct values, then save the others that way too.

In case you can't find a program to do this:
Wavepad, it's free and very easy to use.

I tried that and now none of my sounds work. Also I have tried sv_pure 1, which is what some one else told me to do.
The working sounds should still work if you didn't touch them, if you didn't then something else changed.
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Drocona Wrote:The working sounds should still work if you didn't touch them, if you didn't then something else changed.

ok I changed sv_pure 1 back to nothing, and now most of my sounds are working again. level up, down, etc.

But only some of the sounds are working in the admin screen when you go to play the sounds.

they are all 128kbit 44100Hz Stereo and mp3's

here is what my soundlist.txt file says.

// soundlist.txt
// Place all your client commands that you want to
// execute on all players in here
// This file can use aliases.
// Aliases are what is shown in the menu system
// a nice way of presenting the commands.
// Aliases must be enclosed in quotes
// E.G. "Don't just stand there"
// Do not put another quote inside like :-
// "See "Ya" Later"
// You do not have to use aliases but it makes the
// menu's easier to use if you do.

"Respect Authority" admin_plugin/authoritai.mp3
"Bad Boys Theme" admin_plugin/badboys.mp3
"Bananas Whore" admin_plugin/banannas.mp3
"Blade" admin_plugin/blade.mp3
"Call On Me" admin_plugin/callonme.mp3
"Camp in the Woods" admin_plugin/camp.mp3
"Camp God Kills" admin_plugin/camp_Kill_kitten.mp3
"Chicken Fucker" admin_plugin/chickenfucker.mp3
"Clerks 37 Dicks" admin_plugin/clerks37dicks.mp3
"Apu Come Again" admin_plugin/comeagain.mp3
"Now your crazy" admin_plugin/crazy.mp3
"Quit playing dingy" admin_plugin/ding.mp3
"Dont Just Stand There" admin_plugin/dontjuststandthere.mp3
"Dont Stop" admin_plugin/dontstoptillgetenough.mp3
"dundundun" admin_plugin/dundundun.mp3
"Eye of the Tiger" admin_plugin/eyeofthetiger.mp3
"BOOM HEADSHOT!" admin_plugin/fpsd-my_hearts_beatin.mp3
"Fresh Prince Theme" admin_plugin/freshprincetheme.mpe
"Fuck u Fuck u" admin_plugin/fuckufucku.mp3
"Gigitty" admin_plugin/gigitty.mp3
"Suck golf ball" admin_plugin/golfballgardenhose.mp3
"Good Luck" admin_plugin/goodluck.mp3
"Computer Hacking" admin_plugin/hacking.mp3
"Oh Crap!" admin_plugin/homer_crap.mp3
"Mo Kick Crap" admin_plugin/kickcrap.mp3
"Do the Twist" admin_plugin/letstwistbaby.mp3
"Manamana" admin_plugin/manamana.mp3
"Meow" admin_plugin/meow.mp3
"Pussy" admin_plugin/pussy.mp3
"Ready to Rumble" admin_plugin/readytorumble.mp3
"cartman Respect!" admin_plugin/respect.mp3
"Rick Roll" admin_plugin/rickroll.mp3
"This was a Triumph" admin_plugin/sa.mp3
"Say ello to my" admin_plugin/say_hello.mp3
"Shut The Hell Up" admin_plugin/shutthehellup.mp3
"Cartman" admin_plugin/spcartman2.mp3
"Do you Speak English" admin_plugin/speakenglish.mp3
"STFU 10 Sec." admin_plugin/stfu10seconds.mp3
"Suck my Balls" admin_plugin/suckballs.mp3
"Sweet Mother" admin_plugin/sweetmom.mp3
"Another Bites Dust" admin_plugin/thedust.mp3
"Transvestite" admin_plugin/tranvestite.mp3
"Woo Hoo" admin_plugin/woo_hoo.mp3
"You Lose" admin_plugin/you_lose.mp3
"Youth of America" admin_plugin/youth_win.mp3

Also i'm having some trouble with the mani admin menu when you go to maps it does not show up my maps in the map cycle. all it shows is the old maps that come with css.

any help?
hew488 Wrote:
Drocona Wrote:The working sounds should still work if you didn't touch them, if you didn't then something else changed.

ok I changed sv_pure 1 back to nothing, and now most of my sounds are working again. level up, down, etc.

But only some of the sounds are working in the admin screen when you go to play the sounds.

they are all 128kbit 44100Hz Stereo and mp3's

here is what my soundlist.txt file says.

// soundlist.txt
// Place all your client commands that you want to
// execute on all players in here
// This file can use aliases.
// Aliases are what is shown in the menu system
// a nice way of presenting the commands.
// Aliases must be enclosed in quotes
// E.G. "Don't just stand there"
// Do not put another quote inside like :-
// "See "Ya" Later"
// You do not have to use aliases but it makes the
// menu's easier to use if you do.

"Respect Authority" admin_plugin/authoritai.mp3
"Bad Boys Theme" admin_plugin/badboys.mp3
"Bananas Whore" admin_plugin/banannas.mp3
"Blade" admin_plugin/blade.mp3
"Call On Me" admin_plugin/callonme.mp3
"Camp in the Woods" admin_plugin/camp.mp3
"Camp God Kills" admin_plugin/camp_Kill_kitten.mp3
"Chicken Fucker" admin_plugin/chickenfucker.mp3
"Clerks 37 Dicks" admin_plugin/clerks37dicks.mp3
"Apu Come Again" admin_plugin/comeagain.mp3
"Now your crazy" admin_plugin/crazy.mp3
"Quit playing dingy" admin_plugin/ding.mp3
"Dont Just Stand There" admin_plugin/dontjuststandthere.mp3
"Dont Stop" admin_plugin/dontstoptillgetenough.mp3
"dundundun" admin_plugin/dundundun.mp3
"Eye of the Tiger" admin_plugin/eyeofthetiger.mp3
"BOOM HEADSHOT!" admin_plugin/fpsd-my_hearts_beatin.mp3
"Fresh Prince Theme" admin_plugin/freshprincetheme.mpe
"Fuck u Fuck u" admin_plugin/fuckufucku.mp3
"Gigitty" admin_plugin/gigitty.mp3
"Suck golf ball" admin_plugin/golfballgardenhose.mp3
"Good Luck" admin_plugin/goodluck.mp3
"Computer Hacking" admin_plugin/hacking.mp3
"Oh Crap!" admin_plugin/homer_crap.mp3
"Mo Kick Crap" admin_plugin/kickcrap.mp3
"Do the Twist" admin_plugin/letstwistbaby.mp3
"Manamana" admin_plugin/manamana.mp3
"Meow" admin_plugin/meow.mp3
"Pussy" admin_plugin/pussy.mp3
"Ready to Rumble" admin_plugin/readytorumble.mp3
"cartman Respect!" admin_plugin/respect.mp3
"Rick Roll" admin_plugin/rickroll.mp3
"This was a Triumph" admin_plugin/sa.mp3
"Say ello to my" admin_plugin/say_hello.mp3
"Shut The Hell Up" admin_plugin/shutthehellup.mp3
"Cartman" admin_plugin/spcartman2.mp3
"Do you Speak English" admin_plugin/speakenglish.mp3
"STFU 10 Sec." admin_plugin/stfu10seconds.mp3
"Suck my Balls" admin_plugin/suckballs.mp3
"Sweet Mother" admin_plugin/sweetmom.mp3
"Another Bites Dust" admin_plugin/thedust.mp3
"Transvestite" admin_plugin/tranvestite.mp3
"Woo Hoo" admin_plugin/woo_hoo.mp3
"You Lose" admin_plugin/you_lose.mp3
"Youth of America" admin_plugin/youth_win.mp3

Also i'm having some trouble with the mani admin menu when you go to maps it does not show up my maps in the map cycle. all it shows is the old maps that come with css.

any help?

i think can help with the maps. i was told that if a map doesnt work, try re-enstalling it. You have to make sure that the maps you want are included in the 2 mapcycle.txt and 2 maplist.txt files. They have to match the map name word for word so it loads properly. Also make sure that all your files are transfered to your ftp url. im also in the same boat as your in, i need help installing custom sounds too
nevermind the reason whu it wasnt downloading was because all of it was stored on a ftp url. that is why your stuff isnt downloading. add your ftp url to sv_download url. all your maps should download as well. problem solved i think
i also checked that your also allowed a max of 15 songs to download
nermind, still didnt work, it gave me more songs in the list, but no playable sound.

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