SRCDS Steam group

Kernel how-to
nice ./idler

how should i start this program ? I think it must run everytime ?

nice ./idler &

Peter_Pan123 Wrote:I that ok ?

watch out for the sirq-hrtimer, it should have an RT in the PR column. the "-99" for the hlds is correct.

Quote:how should i start this program ? I think it must run everytime ?

one single idler should run all the time.

Quote:Now i have a lot of drops ? between 1000 and 900.
please run the fps-meter on it and post the link below the image. (Linux Kernel HOWTO!)
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Yah man, my FPS drops a lot too on HLDS when > 5 players. I don't know why...
"Load AVG 4.03, 2.8, 3.55"

My load is very high? I think thats no so important?
0.98 3.65 4.08 1/206 6756

T: 0 ( 6753) P:99 I:1000 C: 7652 Min: 4 Act: 5 Avg: 5 Max: 14
T: 1 ( 6754) P:98 I:1500 C: 5101 Min: 4 Act: 5 Avg: 4 Max: 11
T: 2 ( 6755) P:97 I:2000 C: 3826 Min: 4 Act: 5 Avg: 5 Max: 12
T: 3 ( 6756) P:96 I:2500 C: 3061 Min: 4 Act: 4 Avg: 5 Max: 13
It seems ok.
drazah Wrote:sudo: root : sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo ;

thats odd... but if you run the script as root you can omit the sudo... (Linux Kernel HOWTO!)
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Fixed the cron script.

i found a script like your idler. But i cant use it because i dont know how ?

- Script deleted -

best reguards
First, this is not a script but a C program. Second, this cannot be used alone, it only contains functions to be used by some other program (it has no function called "main"). I don't know where you got it and what it should do. So ask the author of this piece of code... (Linux Kernel HOWTO!)
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that is the problem...i asked him, but he said nothing :-(

ok before someone do some mistakes i delete this ...
I've tried your how-to several times and I am here with bad results. I was wondering if you could help me out.

I am using CentOS 5 32 bit
Dual quad xeon

SRCDS starts at 990 fps, and goes all around when people are in. Same goes for HLDS.

I was wondering if I should play around with the settings, ie, the block from CFQ to Anticipatory, and if I should edit the HZ manually, etc...
sry i dont understand ? do you have problems or not :-D my opinion of changing cfq to anti > brings nothing same with param.h > the only effekt with param.h > you fake the CPU stats under "rcon stats" > normally it is the normally CPU load > then is the load 99,99% arround 5 Players...
if your problem is, that you have 990 instead of 1000 fps, try host_framerate 1000 Toungue

else post a result of the fps-meter (see my signature)...

PS: editing params.h won't change anything but make the kernel unstable. you can even run at HZ=100 and have ~1000 fps, if you have hrtimers enabled. (Linux Kernel HOWTO!)
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BehaartesEtwas Wrote:if your problem is, that you have 990 instead of 1000 fps, try host_framerate 1000 Toungue

else post a result of the fps-meter (see my signature)...

PS: editing params.h won't change anything but make the kernel unstable. you can even run at HZ=100 and have ~1000 fps, if you have hrtimers enabled.

Is there a way to enforce that value ?

As i noticed it changes back Sad

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