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[Windows] How to install a Left 4 Dead Server
Are you in the same folder as the updatetool?

It's not added as a windows service or something and can only be executed from the directory it's in.
Can you post how you are trying to operate it?
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firen00b, make sure you cd to the right place or include the full path in the command.
>cd c:\hlds
>hldsupdatetool.exe -command update -blah blah blah


>c:\hlds\hldsupdatetool.exe -command update -blah blah blah
Thanks for the help. everything's updated now.[/u]
can you set it to 100ticks or no?
trancemode Wrote:can you set it to 100ticks or no?

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Please do not PM me for server related help
fqdn Wrote:if you've seen the any of the matrix movies, a game server is not all that different. it runs a version of the game that handles the entire world for each client connected. that's the 2 sentence explanation.
Is there a way that I can ensure I connect to MY dedicated server from the Lobby? I mean, mine runs just fine and all. But my steam group and friends would rather like to be able to choose their characters amongst other things.

--edit oh wait, I see a cvar for making this for my steam group only...I'll play around with it a little more.
Tea helps solve everything.
Setting steam group is one way, but the connection to it is manual. Meaning you connect to it from the Main Menu by clicking on it directly or Select Play on Steam Group Server. I can't remember exactly.

The actual method is setting a cvar in server.cfg like so:

sv_search_key "yourkeywordhere"

The person that acts as the Lobby Leader, must then enter that same entire code via client console. Invite all your friends to the Lobby, then Start the Game. This means that your server is basically passworded in a sense. Meaning the matchmaking system will not use your server. Only ppl that know your search key can connect to it via Lobby.

Hope this helps your understanding.
[Image: MJRNUT-1.jpg]
i just joined this forum for hope to get help with my problem ;P i followed a few tutorials and this was the last one i followed, and all the time i get the same problem, i can connect to my server and get sourcemod and that stuff to work.
but for some reason when i press "Escape" the game will pause just as it does in singleplay, and i dont think other ppl can connect since no one joins for hours and since the game is pausing :/

edit: doesnt seem like sourcemod is working either atm.. when i do "sm_admin" in console i get "[SM] This command can only be used in-game."
when i make the server in the console is writed whit red:MissionManager: Mission file "missions/mission_manifest.txt" is missing name and version. [/color]what must i do???please help me!!!!sorry my english

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