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Opinions needed. . .
ok, im not sure if this is possible, but ima say it anyways. . . i don know how to word it exactly lol but here it goes. . . id like a script to load when scrimming prevent cheating, from using skins, etc, and to take screenshots at lets say every 2-3 mins, and email me the screenshots. is that possible?
Ryan White
Owner & CEO
screenshots of what exactly?
~ trewq
You can force them to not use skins, using:

sv_consistency 1
sv_pure 2

But you can't force a cleint to take a screenshot(Of he's own screen or anything else), and then email it to your own email.

Otherwise.. No other way, except SourceTV or Addons(which ain't good)

ps. King Goilio, is it Python or the old school you can write?
yea sourcetv. . . can you be kind enough to send me sourcetv commands to autorecord matches and such please. thanks again.
Ryan White
Owner & CEO
Yes, they are all available at VAVLe's Wiki...

The thing for autorecord is:

tv_autorecord 1
(Insert to server.cfg)
I can do both but I rather python
~ trewq
ok, where do the videos record to?
Ryan White
Owner & CEO
They will be in your cstrike install folder.


They will be in the format .dem format and their name will be map - time - date - month - year.

It's possible to make it safe them in srcds/cstrike/demos and then add .bz2 zip to the demo on next map change, on Linux as far as I know.
ah, ok. i appreciate it. ima get some things together, and ill post the site and such to it for anyone who would like to join. winner will receive cash/free pc gear/free services from us.
Ryan White
Owner & CEO

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