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l4d fps?
how do i boost the l4d dedicated server fps?
Ryan White
Owner & CEO
I dont think you can both windows and linux seem to cap at 30 fps
sux lol, whats the max players?
Ryan White
Owner & CEO
i think 4 because there is only 4 characters
I guess/hope that the cap is only on the demo Smile
I'm not sure if the cap is just for the demo, I could care less as L4D has motion blur so there is no need for anything higher than 25fps. Smile
i guess Toungue but in-game I only get 20 fps, any idea ? :S
Need new computer? Toungue Or lower some settings.
Player size always changes to 14.
I'm not sure why, because I think I've only seen up to 4 people in a server Toungue
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fqdn Wrote:if you've seen the any of the matrix movies, a game server is not all that different. it runs a version of the game that handles the entire world for each client connected. that's the 2 sentence explanation.
possibly server wise its 14, but the demo only allows 4
Ryan White
Owner & CEO
coop is 4 players, vs is 14 mb?


there is no vs mode in the demo.

Duno why people are so worried about the server fps for this game when it is working just fine... if it's working good, DONT MESS WITH IT Big Grin

Or so server places can trick people into thinking their servers are superior with 1000fps vs 500, when it doesn't make a difference, or get more money by boosting to 1000 fps when it doesn't add load to the server, or make a difference. crooks >8(
You can setup coop right now if you play with afew things. Smile I tested it out after seeing another clan did it.
does this game have the same cvars as other games? suck as the rates, tickrate, fps, etc?
Ryan White
Owner & CEO
ClanWoof Wrote:Need new computer? Toungue Or lower some settings.

the wierd thing is that I run the game SUPER smoth,

I have a 3.0 Dual Core, 4 GB of RAM, Vista 64Bit and a 8600 GeForce GT.
That 8600GT isn't particularly fast, it's one of the budget range graphics cards, it doesn't even reach 50% of the "power" his brother gives, the 8800GT
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