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DOD Source Mods/Plugins
plugin_print always works, it's a valid SRCDS command

if "meta list" doesn't work (unknown command) it means metamod isn't installed correctly
same goes for the sm command
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Let me clairify... any of the sourcemod commands are 'unknown.' Example sm_ban isnt known.
Alright in that case, delete sourcemod and install it again, make sure all the steps are correct.
unknown command means the plugins isn't loaded.
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Tried it, still doesn't work. No mod seems to work for that matter, after restarting server of course...
Anyone know how to fix this?
Not to bring up an old post, but does anyone know what to do to fix this? I've done everything the instructions say, and DOD:S acts like it doesnt know what im talking about, using the console itself on the server beside me, or rcon or anything. Nothing works.

Maybe someone can suggest a mod that actually does what it says its going to do?
Is anyone going to help me out?
Well seems like no one here wants to help me so I'll find another forum. Thanx for nothing.
Well thanks for your time spent here in these forums! And if you figure it out, teach someone else!

Make sure before you leave that you check to make sure that you have Metamod installed, which is required to run Sourcemod.

If it still doesn't work, redownload everything and try installing it again!

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