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Help with Zombie Horde
Yes, I know that zombie horde is no more (if you check the website), but I still need help getting it onto my server.
I currently have on my server: metamod, mani admin plugin, warcraft:source, est, and eventscripts. I tried extracting zombie horde into the cstrike folder, but it didn't extract right.
[Image: zombiehordeisa.jpg]
I also tried extracting it into just the SRCDS, but the same thing happened. Help me!
[Image: bobafet.png]
Copy the folders over, its much easier.
It didn't work that way... I just get the errors like "unknown command: zh_c4_drop" or whatever. Besides it took me a long time and it didn't work.
EDIT: DAMN!!!!!! I figured out how to do it >_<
I just had to go into the zip, OPEN the zhplugin, drag the cstrike into c:/srcds, and it uploads for me like that. I feel like such an idiot...
EDIT (again):Wow, now SRCDS just shuts down on me... It didn't work...
[Image: bobafet.png]
Bump ~ I have yet to get an answer...
[Image: bobafet.png]
If the srcds shuts down when the plugin is loaded it means that the plugin is broken due to updates from valve. This is probably also the reason why the zombiehorde team quit the job.

You can try other versions and see if those work but there's a small chance usually.
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Okay, I'll just re-do my server somehow... how do you take out one specific mod?
[Image: bobafet.png]
You just delete the folders you extracted when installing Smile
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Thank you Big Grin. Is there anything like Zombie Horde?
[Image: bobafet.png]

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