SRCDS Steam group

Metamod CSS Help Please.
Hello i've installed Meta mod on my CS:S Server i have install it in all the correct paths and have the right verion.

-game cstrike -console +ip -port 27015 +maxplayers 20 +exec server.cfg +map de_dust2 +fps_max 500 -tickrate 100 -autoupdate

    "file"      "..\cstrike\addons\metamod\bin\server.dll"


    game    "Counter-Strike Source"
    title    "COUNTER-STRIKE'"
    title2    "source"
    type multiplayer_only
    nomodels 1
    nohimodel 1
    nocrosshair 0
        "test_speakers"        1
        "test_hardware"        1
    nodegraph 0

        SteamAppId                240        // This will mount all the GCFs we need (240=CS:S, 220=HL2).
        ToolsAppId                211        // Tools will load this (ie: source SDK caches) to get things like materials\debug, materials\editor, etc.
        // The code that loads this file automatically does a few things here:
        // 1. For each "Game" search path, it adds a "GameBin" path, in <dir>\bin
        // 2. For each "Game" search path, it adds another "Game" path in front of it with _<langage> at the end.
        //    For example: c:\hl2\cstrike on a french machine would get a c:\hl2\cstrike_french path added to it.
        // 3. For the first "Game" search path, it adds a search path called "MOD".
        // 4. For the first "Game" search path, it adds a search path called "DEFAULT_WRITE_PATH".

        // Search paths are relative to the base directory, which is where hl2.exe is found.
        // |gameinfo_path| points at the directory where gameinfo.txt is.
        // We always want to mount that directory relative to gameinfo.txt, so
        // people can mount stuff in c:\mymod, and the main game resources are in
        // someplace like c:\program files\valve\steam\steamapps\<username>\half-life 2.
            GameBin             |gameinfo_path|addons/metamod/bin
            Game                |gameinfo_path|.
            Game                cstrike
            Game                hl2

now i don't see any reason why it wouldn't work with my install of srcds\cstrike

i must be going loopy, or have i missed some thing?

Thanks in advance..
It's a vdf, not a vfg, maybe that's your problem?
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Drocona Wrote:It's a vdf, not a vfg, maybe that's your problem?

typo sorry, its correct metamod.vdf
ok, in the console type meta list and does anything come up?
Ryan White
Owner & CEO
dualcore1289 Wrote:ok, in the console type meta list and does anything come up?

nothing comes up, unknown command, the server wont load metamod or mani admin mod.

i've tried reinstalling scrds and redownloading CSS but it just wont load any thing Sad

and all manage throught cPanel..
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But i used the auto installer on my on my PC (it doesnt work on my DS) and i coppied the DLL from my PC to the Server, over write metamod and it kicked in. although i downloade 600 times to get this working im assuming theres a problem, currupted file or some thing..

i did the same thing for TF2 and DOD:S and they also started to work.
now that my test servers are working i guess i can start renting them out Smile

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