SRCDS Steam group

Keeping servers updated
Hey guys,

It seems that every other day Valve releases an update for TF2. How can I keep my servers updated easily. I have the "autoupdate" command in the commandline, but when I check the server consoles I see messages saying that it's out of date and needs to be updated and restarted.

What method do you guys use to keep your servers up to date? Is there any way that the server can update itself automatically and restart?
Are you on Linux?

I haven't used this, but I think this is great tool for keeping servers up-to-date. If I had multiple servers I'd definitely try this out.

It's called "nemrun". The developer is apparently administrating a large bunch of servers himself, and he's devving it continuously. He has also created quite special server tweaks, so he knows what he's doing.

If you try it or keep on using it, I think Nephyrin appreciates if you give him some feedback. On the Valve mailing list he's been pondering if anyone uses the script.
css Wrote:Are you on Linux?

I haven't used this, but I think this is great tool for keeping servers up-to-date. If I had multiple servers I'd definitely try this out.

It's called "nemrun". The developer is apparently administrating a large bunch of servers himself, and he's devving it continuously. He has also created quite special server tweaks, so he knows what he's doing.

If you try it or keep on using it, I think Nephyrin appreciates if you give him some feedback. On the Valve mailing list he's been pondering if anyone uses the script.

I wish I was using Linux, but unfortunately, one of the other games we play only runs on windows. I'm running XP 64-bit on the server.

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