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Inbound:outbound bandwidth ratios
Just wondering if anyone would have a clue whats the usual inbound to outbound bandwidth ratios with games like css and tf2. I'm currently pricing up bandwidth and one of the options is that you get charged for inbound traffic and get unlimited outbound.
There isn't a ratio for it, since it depends on the amount of players and the tickrate.

1 player can send maybe 1-2KB/s on 33 tick while the incoming traffic from the server to the client is 3KB/s
10 players send 30KB/s combined and the incoming will be around 3KB/s per slot too.

The higher you go the more it will be, usually inbound traffic is never measured at all in the hosting business, it will only confuse people and it's really hard to calculate what you need. Nobody cares for inbound traffic on servers and the above is one of the following reasons, it's about what the server does, not what the client does.(incoming server traffic = done by client, outgoing from server = done by the server)
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Drocona Wrote:usually inbound traffic is never measured at all in the hosting business
In Australia bandwidth is pretty expensive, so were looking at that option.
you're getting a good deal no matter what if you are only charged for inbound. most of the game server traffic (VERY rough ratio is 3:1) is outbound, so if they are only charging you for inbound you are ahead.
not rly if its only 3:1 they offer $1.10/GB both ways, and $4.80/GB for inbound with unlimited out
lol, have a website of that, that sounds really weird...

Also WTF! 1.10 per GB O_o If you have like 4 popular TF2 servers you have to pay 2000$....
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toxicdav3 Wrote:not rly if its only 3:1 they offer $1.10/GB both ways, and $4.80/GB for inbound with unlimited out

yeah, for you it would be pretty close if not losing money.
yeah its pretty expensive! thx to telstra Toungue
toxicdav3 Wrote:Just wondering if anyone would have a clue whats the usual inbound to outbound bandwidth ratios with games like css and tf2.
Did you decide already?

Here are traffic statistics for popular 24 slot server. During a day it's full 80% of the time. It's 66 tick server.


* 24 slot server (full 80% of the time)
* 66 tick
* 450kbps inbound
* 1000kbps outbound

Maybe this helps calculate the cost. Anyway, it's hundreds of gigabytes worth traffic per month.

Stats generated with Munin's srcds plugin:
Feedback appreciated, if someone installs this.

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