04-15-2008, 06:47 AM
You know, I've been trying to install and make metamod work,and I have done it just like in >> http://forums.srcds.com/viewtopic/6595 many many many times but when I try to write to the gameinfo.txt the new line "GameBin |gameinfo_path|addons/metamod/bin" it seems to save it when I click save, but when I tried to type the "meta version" to the Source's console, it says that its unknown, and when I quit game and check out the gameinfo.txt, its returned back to the normal form. So there is not that "GameBin" stuff that I added there. Wow. Such a mess. I know that I am noob, but could someone please please please help me. I don't know why it doesn't save or is it an another kind of problem.
sorry for my english, I am from Finland
c'mon people, respond

c'mon people, respond