SRCDS Steam group

Followed Drocona's tutorial, but still can't play custom sounds
First off, thanks to Drocona for putting so much work into the tutorial.

But damned if I can get the custom sounds to work (as in, typing a special word in chat window to engage the sound). When I join my dedicated server, the sounds download fine. In the game, I can type ma_play 1,2,3,4, or 5 and it'll play the sound fine. I can also see the sound listings and play them fine in the Admin options. So the sounds made it over. But there's something wrong somewhere in the commandlist, I'm guessing, because typing "suspect" and others in a chat window does absolutely nothing.

Here's my commandlist.txt (location is E:\srcds\hl2mp\cfg\mani_admin_plugin):

// Mani Admin Plugin 2005
// file : commandlist.txt
// This file allows you to change the in game say commands
// by replacing them with your own version.
// The format is "yourcommand" type replacement command
// The type refers to either: -
// R = an RCON command to be executed (User must be admin with RCONSay
// authorisation
// An example would be: -
// "@botadd" R bot_add
// "@alltalk" R sv_alltalk 1
// "@rr" R mp_restartgame 2
// C = run a client command on your machine, anyone can use these
// An example would be: -
// "menu" C @admin
// "vote" C @say votemap
// "kickmenu" C @admin kick
// S = replace an @say command with your own version
// An example would be: -
// "@torch" S @ma_burn
// "@kill" S @ma_slay
// Note that comments must be started on a new line
// Do not do "@botadd" R bot_add // command to add bots

"@botadd" R bot_add
"@alltalk" R sv_alltalk 1
"@rr" R mp_restartgame 2

"menu" C admin
"vote" C say votemap

"@torch" S @ma_burn
"@kill" S @ma_slay

“suspect” C ma_play 1
“dontstand” C ma_play 2
“donut” C ma_play 3
“smell” C ma_play 4
“brains” C ma_play 5

Here's my sounds section under mani-server.cfg (location is E:\srcds\hl2mp\cfg)

// *****************************************************************************
// Module : Sounds Control
// Desc : The following cvars control how system sounds are configured. This
// is not related to the Quake sounds
// *****************************************************************************

// Set to the number of sounds you wish a regular non-admin player to be able
// to use per round
mani_sounds_per_round 0

// Set to 1 if you want alive players not to hear sounds triggered by dead
// players
mani_sounds_filter_if_dead 0

// mani_sounds_auto_download is a cvar to control whether server sounds
// (not quake sounds) are auto downloaded to a client. If set to 0 you must
// provide your own .res files to initiate transfers to a client.
// If you change this value from 1 to 0 while the server is running you
// must restart your server.
mani_sounds_auto_download 1

// This controls the default mode a player will have their death beam mode
// set to when they first ever join your server. This setting is applied to
// the player's stored record withing player_settings.dat it does not control
// whether the death beam functionality is on or off.
// 0 = player settings default to off, 1 = player settings default to on
// 1 = default on, 0 = default off
mani_player_settings_sounds 1

Here's my soundlist.txt (location is E:\srcds\hl2mp\cfg\mani_admin_plugin)

// soundlist.txt
// Place all your client commands that you want to
// execute on all players in here
// This file can use aliases.
// Aliases are what is shown in the menu system
// a nice way of presenting the commands.
// Aliases must be enclosed in quotes
// E.G. "Don't just stand there"
// Do not put another quote inside like :-
// "See "Ya" Later"
// You do not have to use aliases but it makes the
// menu's easier to use if you do.

"Waiting for suspect" admin_plugin/waitingforsuspect.mp3
"Don't just stand there, pick up the gun and shoot it!" admin_plugin/dontjuststandthere.wav
"Who ate all the donuts?" admin_plugin/donuteater.wav
"Do you smell something?" admin_plugin/doyousmell.wav
"With my brains and your brawn we'll make an excellent team" admin_plugin/excellentteam.wav


Here's my clients.txt (location is E:\srcds\hl2mp\cfg\mani_admin_plugin)

"version" "1"

// This key group lists all your client players
// This must be a unique client name
// Client real name
"name" "Chris"
// Steam ID for client
"steam" "STEAM_0:0:5122285"
// This sub key is for multiple ip addresses
"IP1" ""
"IP2" "localhost"
"IP3" ""
// These are personal access flags for a player
"Admin" "Serveradmin"
"Immunity" "Serveradmin"

// These are global groups of flags that can be assigned to clients

"Serveradmin" "a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v x y afk ping autojoin grav Immunity"
"Serveradmin" "A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e"
"Serveradmin" "f g i k l m o p q q2 q3 r s t v w x y z admin client grav pban spray"


My server.cfg (location is E:\srcds\hl2mp\cfg)

// ********************
// ********************

Hostport 27015

// ***************
// ***************

hostport 27015 // The port of the server (default is 27015)
hostname "The Toe's Deathmatch Server" // Name of server
sv_lan 0 // Change it to 1 if you want a LAN only Server
sv_region 3 // Europe
rcon_password "******" // Password for most things
// sv_password "password" // To make a private server
sv_contact // The contacts email address

// ***************
// ***************

mp_flashlight 1 // 1 enables flashlight, 0 disables it
mp_footsteps 1 // 1 enables hearing footsteps, 0 disables it

// ***************
// Advanced RCON
// ***************

sv_rcon_banpenalty 10
sv_rcon_maxfailures 10
sv_rcon_minfailures 5
sv_rcon_minfailuretime 30

// ***************
// ***************

mp_timelimit 40 // Timelimit is how many minutes for a map.

// ***************
// ***************

mp_autoteambalance 0 // Toggles the forcing of clients to join teams to make it balanced. 1=on and 0=off
mp_limitteams 0 // There can be a tolerance of 1 person more on 1 team before autoteambalance kicks in

// ***************
// ***************

mp_allowspectators 1 // toggles whether the server allows spectator mode or not. 1=on and 0=off
mp_forcecamera 0 // Restricts spectatorcamera view for dead players. 1=on and 0=off

// ***************
// ***************

sv_maxrate 9999 // Max bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0=unlimited, max=20000
sv_minrate 5000 // Min bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0=unlimited, 4000=good to keep dialup gamers off the server
sv_maxupdaterate 100 // Maximum updates per second that the server will allow, increasing this will take more cpu power, 100 is max
sv_minupdaterate 10 // Minimum updates per second that the server will allow, increasing this will take more CPU power
decalfrequency 60 // The user can only spray their spray every x seconds
fps_max 500 // Frame rate limiter
sv_unlag 1 // Enable lag compensation
sv_maxunlag 1 // Maximum lag compensation

// ***************
// ***************

//sv_downloadurl "" // Your download host...
sv_allowdownload 1 // Allow clients to download files
sv_allowupload 1 // Allow clients to upload customizations files like logospray files
net_maxfilesize 100 // Max size for users to download is 100MB

// ***************
// ***************

log on // SERVER LOGGING, creates a logfile (needed for statsprograms), "log off" to turn off logging
sv_logbans 1 // Log server bans in server logs
sv_logecho 0 // Echo log information to the consol (makes lots of spam)
sv_logfile 1 // Log server information to a log file
sv_log_onefile 1 // Log everything in one file

// ***************
// ***************

sv_cheats 1 //Enable cheats || 1 = on 0 = off
sv_pausable 0 // disable clients' ability to pause the server

// ***************
// ***************

mp_chattime 5 // Amount of seconds players can chat after the game is over
sv_voiceenable 1 // VOICE disabled, if you want VOICE enabled then change 0 into 1
sv_consistency 0 // Enables users to pass certain conistency byass ceck (eg. Scope overaly) || 1 = on 0 = off
sv_alltalk 1 // Enables talking to Live people when Dead

// ***************
// ***************

exec banned_user.cfg
exec mani_server.cfg
exec mani_quake_sounds.cfg

echo ***************
echo ***************
echo ***************
echo ***************

// ***************
// ***************

I also read in another thread that changes had to be made in pure_server_whitelist.txt under the srcds/hl2 folder, so here's that:

// 3 modifiers are allowed on file specifications:
// from_steam - only check the Steam cache for the file (ignore anything on disk)
// allow_from_disk - allow the file to come from disk
// check_crc - used with allow_from_disk - server does CRC checks on the client's file to make sure it matches
// The default modifier on all files is allow_from_disk. Thus, all files can come from disk and don't need CRC checks unless
// allow_from_disk can be set at the same time as check_crc. Use the + character in between them to signify this: allow_from_disk+check_crc.

// Three types of file specifications:
// 1. directory\*.* - refers to all files under the directory
// 2. directory\... - refers to all files under the directory and all directories under that (recursively)
// 3. directory\filename - refers to a single file

// By default, when in pure server mode, most content file types are only allowed to come from Steam.
materials\... allow_from_disk
models\... allow_from_disk
sound\... allow_from_disk

// Allow custom player models. Don't do CRC checks on them because the clients may all
// have different custom models and the server won't have them all.
models\player\... allow_from_disk
materials\models\player\... allow_from_disk

// Allow custom spray decals.
materials\temp\... allow_from_disk
materials\vgui\logos\... allow_from_disk
materials\vgui\logos\ui\... allow_from_disk

// (Uncomment and edit these for mods).
// Allow mod resources to come from disk.
materials\mymod\... allow_from_disk+check_crc
models\mymod\... allow_from_disk+check_crc
sound\mymod\... allow_from_disk+check_crc

Hopefully I've given all the details needed so someone can glance at all this and find where the mistake is at. Please help me out! Thanks!
By the way, be sure to give me kudos for creating a thread title that narrows down what I need help with, instead of a generic title like "Help". You really gotta hate it when people do that. Toungue
Hehe, yeah kudos for you Wink

I'm not sure what could cause this yet....

I never worked with the whitelist but you might want to change "sound\mymod\... allow_from_disk+check_crc" to where your files are, maybe it helps, I have no idea really Toungue
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Drocona Wrote:Hehe, yeah kudos for you Wink

I'm not sure what could cause this yet....

I never worked with the whitelist but you might want to change "sound\mymod\... allow_from_disk+check_crc" to where your files are, maybe it helps, I have no idea really Toungue

Ok, thanks for taking a look when you can.

Here's the thread where I read about the pure_server_whitelist.txt file. It appeared to solve a similar issue, so I made the same changes that were suggested here:

I'm joining my dedicated server on the same machine, and I'm joining as the admin...if that makes any difference. And I'm running Vista. *shrug* I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel on possible factors now.

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