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I need some way of making my servers restart everyday at a given time. I don't want to use Serverchecker because I can't set the affinity like I can with a batch file. I have seen some server plugins but they require you to have a bot on the server all the time.

Is there anyway of doing this? Thanks for any help.

This is on windows!
Clan of Doom:

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I just did a search and found more a less the exact same post by you. Sorry for wasting your time.

Thanks anyways Rolleyes
Clan of Doom:

I would make the server send an exit single at a set time Toungue
(Given the server doesn't crash at shutdown)
~ Mooga ...w00t? - on Twitter
[Image: 76561197965445574.png]
Please do not PM me for server related help
fqdn Wrote:if you've seen the any of the matrix movies, a game server is not all that different. it runs a version of the game that handles the entire world for each client connected. that's the 2 sentence explanation.
Hazz Wrote:I just did a search and found more a less the exact same post by you. Sorry for wasting your time.

Thanks anyways Rolleyes

Lol, no problem, must've been a while back though cause I can't remember Toungue
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Hhhhmm....I don't know how to use this, can anyone help? I want to restart my servers daily at 4am, using the batch files I use to start them.
Clan of Doom:

If you are using windows, just make a scheduled task.
realchamp Wrote:
Hazz Wrote:Has someone helped you on these forums? If so, help someone else
Mooga Wrote:OrangeBox is a WHORE.
Thats what I'm asking help with, I can't get it to work Sad
Clan of Doom:

Well whats the error message you recieve with it?
realchamp Wrote:
Hazz Wrote:Has someone helped you on these forums? If so, help someone else
Mooga Wrote:OrangeBox is a WHORE.

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