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Able to run 2 servers?
I was wondering if I would be able to run 2 cs:s servers with comcast internet. Both of them about 10 slots, can I run both of them without getting lag when both are full? (My cpu and Ram can handle it, just wondering bout internet) Thanks much!
well I know I can host at least 110 people with 10MB/s up stream...
no, probably not
Really depends on what your upload speed is, knowing comcast, that won't be too much I'm afraid, but you never know.
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Where can I get more upload speed? Cause I only get about 374kbps :[
I don't know, you'll probably be looking at some buisinessline or high end connections, which will probably be more expensive that colocating at a datacenter Smile
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ive got T1 its AWSOME Wink
765.99.214.26:27015 [TnE]clan|RPG|Deathmatch|Noblock|Music/Google/Tickrate-66|24/7 . _______________________________________
God has a plan in your life.
[Image: 233462617.png]
What could you host with that? Smile
1x 16 slot 100 tick.
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Be careful when posting your speeds on a Comcast connection.
Because of their "power-boost" up/down speeds will seem high when tested but will drop down after a min or two (when the test is already done). Upload a 15 MB files via FTP somewhere and check the average speed.
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[Image: 76561197965445574.png]
Please do not PM me for server related help
fqdn Wrote:if you've seen the any of the matrix movies, a game server is not all that different. it runs a version of the game that handles the entire world for each client connected. that's the 2 sentence explanation.
Yep, I seen that in the fine print. That was from one of my friends. Smile They sure screw alot of people with it.

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