SRCDS Steam group

SRCDS-OneTouch-tf2: Install a TF2 server in one click
GMod versoin please.
Hi guys, i recently tried this and everything isnt working, i think everythings gone wrong, please help? this is what comes up:

SRCDS-OneClick for TF2
Made by Mooga & Lart
Hit Enter to install tf2 to the current Directory.

(So i hit enter)

--------------------Installing hldsupdate tool--------------------
Downloading hldsupdatetool
Hldsinstaller.exe: Permission denied

extracting hldsupdatetool
Access is denied.

installing tf2
Checking bootstapper version ...
Getting version 50 of Steam HLDS Update Tool
Downloading. . . . . . . . . . .
unable to open HldsUpdateToolNew.exe for writing (errno = 13)
Checking bootstapper version ...
Getting version 50 of Steam HLDS Update Tool
Downloading. . . . . . . . . . .
unable to open HldsUpdateToolNew.exe for writing (errno = 13)
'clear' is not recognized as a internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Server Name: Fightfight5's Server Of Awesome
Rcon Password: (not telling u lol)

(I press enter)

The system cannot find the path specified.
0 file(s) copied.
For more help visit http://www.srcds.comFinished Installing tf2 Hit return to close thi
s program

(So i hit enter and, like it said, it closes, now when i go to the Run_12_Players.bat, it says this.)

Thanks for using Mooga's Bat and Go
For more help, please visit
To close your server, close this windows and type exit in your server window

Watching the TF2 SRCDS for crashes
(09/03/2013)(16:11:36:46) TF2 Server is now online.

(And then a error message pops up saying Windows cannot find 'orangebox\srcds.exe'.)

So can anybody plz help me? thanks Smile
I Downloaded the srcds and ran the files (using Wine,im on a mac0 but didnt seem to work. Could someone help me out? Big Grin
This will no longer work because I'm pretty sure Valve deleted the hldsupdatetool and instead replaced it with that steamcmd thing the same time CS:GO came out.
Keep in mind that this tutorial is from 2008. However, it is outdated and steamcmd is the thing now Smile
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