Here's a quick php code which allows you to send a rcon command to a source server.
It's not perfect, as the scripts seems to crash when you send a command responding with lots of data (like cvar list). But with a small command like a change map, no problem!
Feel free to use this to a great web admin page, but if you do, please post your modifications to allow others to use them!
It's not perfect, as the scripts seems to crash when you send a command responding with lots of data (like cvar list). But with a small command like a change map, no problem!
* Return a byte and split it out of the string
* - unsigned char
* @param string $string String
function getByte(&$string)
$data = substr($string, 0, 1);
$string = substr($string, 1);
$data = unpack('Cvalue', $data);
return $data['value'];
* Return an unsigned short and split it out of the string
* - unsigned short (16 bit, big endian byte order)
* @param string $string String
function getShortUnsigned(&$string)
$data = substr($string, 0, 2);
$string = substr($string, 2);
$data = unpack('nvalue', $data);
return $data['value'];
* Return a signed short and split it out of the string
* - signed short (16 bit, machine byte order)
* @param string $string String
function getShortSigned(&$string)
$data = substr($string, 0, 2);
$string = substr($string, 2);
$data = unpack('svalue', $data);
return $data['value'];
* Return a long and split it out of the string
* - unsigned long (32 bit, little endian byte order)
* @param string $string String
function getLong(&$string)
$data = substr($string, 0, 4);
$string = substr($string, 4);
$data = unpack('Vvalue', $data);
return $data['value'];
* Return a float and split it out of the string
* @param string $string String
function getFloat(&$string)
$data = substr($string, 0, 4);
$string = substr($string, 4);
$array = unpack("fvalue", $data);
return $array['value'];
* Return a string and split it out of the string
* @param string $string String
function getString(&$string)
$data = "";
$byte = substr($string, 0, 1);
$string = substr($string, 1);
while (ord($byte) != "0")
$data .= $byte;
$byte = substr($string, 0, 1);
$string = substr($string, 1);
return $data;
// Constant
define('PACKET_SIZE', '1400');
define('SERVERQUERY_INFO', "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFFTSource Engine Query");
define ('REPLY_INFO', "\x49");
define ('REPLY_GETCHALLENGE', "\x41");
define('SERVERDATA_AUTH', 3) ;
// Ip address and port
$_ip = '' ; // server ip
$_port = '27015'; // server port
$_password = 'MyP@ssw0rd!' ; // your rcon password
$s2 = '';
$command = 'map tc_hydro'; // the rcon command! Put the command you want here
$requestId = 1;
// open connection with server
$socket = fsockopen ('tcp://'.$_ip, $_port, $errno, $errstr, 30) ;
// Send auth packet
// Construct packet
$data = pack("VV", $requestId, SERVERDATA_AUTH).$_password.chr(0).$s2.chr(0);
// Prefix the packet by its size
$data = pack("V",strlen($data)).$data;
// Send packet
fwrite ($socket, $data, strlen($data)) ;
$requestId++ ;
// Check if auth is successful
$junk = fread ($socket, PACKET_SIZE) ;
$string = fread ($socket, PACKET_SIZE) ;
$size = getLong($string) ;
$id = getLong ($string) ;
if ($id == -1)
// Error
die ('Auth failed: bad password !') ;
// Sending the command and getting the answer
$data = pack ("VV", $requestId, SERVERDATA_EXECCOMMAND).$command.chr(0).$s2.chr(0) ;
// Prefix the packet by its size
$data = pack ("V", strlen ($data)).$data ;
// Send packet
fwrite ($socket, $data, strlen($data)) ;
$requestId++ ;
// Read response
$i = 0 ;
$text = '' ;
while ($string = fread($socket, 4))
$info[$i]['size'] = getLong($string) ;
$string = fread($socket, $info[$i]['size']) ;
$info[$i]['id'] = getLong ($string) ;
$info[$i]['type'] = getLong ($string) ;
$info[$i]['s1'] = getString ($string) ;
$info[$i]['s2'] = getString ($string) ;
$text .= $info[$i]['s1'] ;
$i++ ;
Feel free to use this to a great web admin page, but if you do, please post your modifications to allow others to use them!