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mani admin wont work need help plz
so ya i spent tha past few weeks trying to get mani admin to work i installed it right and every thing but every time i start up the server i look in the console and it says unknown cammand for all the mani admin carvs its a dedicated sever so if any one can help me that b awsome
read my suggestions here and reply with the output.
ok iv tryed tha metamod thing an i cant even get that to work for some reson the bameinfo txt keeps changing even after i did tha thing to keep if from changing that didnt work have any othere ideas tha could help me
ok i got metamod to work but how do i get it to load mani admin help anyone....
instructions are in the first topic right on top on the mani page, you can't miss it.
ok thx for tha help but it still dnt work i dnt understand y i keep getting stuff like
Unknown command "mani_adverts"
Unknown command "mani_time_between_adverts"
Unknown command "mani_adverts_chat_area"
Unknown command "mani_adverts_top_left"
that in my server consol and metamod keeps saying "File not found: \addons\mani_admin_plugin\bin\mani_admin_plugin_mm)."
when i typ tha meta load cmd and when i go looking for that file, its there. im so at a lost
ok i must be a noob but if some one can help me with this one problem meta works find and it loads mani admin but when it loads mani admin it crashes my server iim using "mani admin plugin v1 2 beta s" i tryed "mani admin plugin v1 2 beta s orange" but when try loading that plug it says can find file hope i gave enuff info to get help
Mani took forever to work for me. I just did a clean install and it worked.
realchamp Wrote:
Hazz Wrote:Has someone helped you on these forums? If so, help someone else
Mooga Wrote:OrangeBox is a WHORE.
I really just extracted the files, added a line to metaplugins.ini and it worked...
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I feel stupid...
realchamp Wrote:
Hazz Wrote:Has someone helped you on these forums? If so, help someone else
Mooga Wrote:OrangeBox is a WHORE.

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