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gmod port forwarding help required
Please i really need some help, i've been searching allover google for answers but the answers i find are not helping me get my gmod server up and running so that people can join. I have tried so many so called tutorials and now i think i will go for this here, i was told people here can find many answers to their questions. I must have the worst modem i guess and that's: Huawei SmartAX MT882 the worst pain in the neck so far! I know how to forward ports, i just don't know exactly what ports to forward for people to be abble to join my server. If i can get this working that will not olny help me now it will also prepares me for more to come, help me out please.
27015 and 27005
both TCP and UDP
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thanks! but 1 thing to make sure.

Protocol: TCP and UDP (I get this part)
Local Address: (I get this one too)
Global Address From: (Ignore)
Global Address To: (Ignore)

this is the part i get stuck on, where from the below do i enter 27015 and 27005 exactly?
Destination Port From:
Destination Port To:
Local Port:
This is how it it normaly looks:
[Image: SmartAX-MT882v25.jpg]
This is what i did, is this correct? most of my friends are offline right now and i'm sure if it works.

(both TCP and UDP )
Destination Port From: 27005
Destination Port To: 27005
Local Port: 27005

& (both TCP and UDP )
Destination Port From: 27015
Destination Port To: 27015
Local Port: 27015
I need some help, people cant join my server, this is the command i use to start it:

c:\srcds\srcds.exe -console -game garrysmod +map gm_construct +maxplayers 5 -autoupdate
The server ip address is - and when people try to join they get the message server not responding!!! does nobody know how i can fix this? I'm using a static ip address now.
Any ip address that starts with 192.168 is a LAN ip address. Goto copy that address with :27015 at the and of it, and give it to your friends.
realchamp Wrote:
Hazz Wrote:Has someone helped you on these forums? If so, help someone else
Mooga Wrote:OrangeBox is a WHORE.
Follow this tutorial over here:

Make sure your Local Address is in the router forwards/dmz

on a side note: Please keep the posts to a minimum, you can use the "EDIT" button below every post you make, please use it and add new things to the post you made first instead of creating a new post in the feature, thanks.
Join the Source Dedicated Server Support Group on Steam Community!
Source Dedicated Server (SRCDS)
Free to join, Live support! (When available)
Drocona Wrote:Follow this tutorial over here:

Make sure your Local Address is in the router forwards/dmz

on a side note: Please keep the posts to a minimum, you can use the "EDIT" button below every post you make, please use it and add new things to the post you made first instead of creating a new post in the feature, thanks.
Ok, I followed that tutorial and I did everything on there, i also added my ip address ( to dmz but my friends still cant join nor see my server.

I also did as "Spartanfrog" said, I copied my ip from and gave it to my friend, my friend's game was crashing everytime he joined with that ip, receiving this message:
Interal driver error in IDirect3DDevice9::Present()
I also did this tutorial:
Then i started the server with this command:
c:\srcds\srcds.exe -console -game garrysmod +map gm_construct +maxplayers 16 -autoupdate
Is it even possible for people online to join on a gmod server with this ip If not then please can you share some info here? I have been wasting months of time looking for answers and yet no answer i find are helpfull and my friends cant join this servers i create, i also reinstalled my operating system thinking it will somehow help for this srver to work! or does nobody here have the answers to this questions? I have done everything i know and i'm not in the possition to throw away all the months i have wasted, if there is something i dont know then please do share it with me.

All i want is people online to join and be abble to see the server on steam. If this is too much to ask let me know so i can ask it elsewhere.
Hmmm. What was the ip address you got from
realchamp Wrote:
Hazz Wrote:Has someone helped you on these forums? If so, help someone else
Mooga Wrote:OrangeBox is a WHORE.
Spartanfrog Wrote:Hmmm. What was the ip address you got from

Ok, after restarting my computer it works! my friends are abble to join, thank you. now i have one problem my server does not show up on the Internet Server List after i Refresh all and people cant join if they dont see the server. When i try to join ip, that i got from - it will not work, not unless i join with ip. But others can join perfectly through
Well thats because you are on the same network as the server (right?). If you are then you can only look at it LAN not internet.
realchamp Wrote:
Hazz Wrote:Has someone helped you on these forums? If so, help someone else
Mooga Wrote:OrangeBox is a WHORE.
This is very bad and nobody can join the server since the ip address changes every time i restart the computer. Is this the real srcds forum or is it just the name and nothing else? I don't know how much nice i can be anymore, my questions don't get answered without something left out, maybe it's selfishness and/or lack of commitment. This forum is deserted, there are hardly any members online, and all i can say is thanks for wasting more my time.

Thanks for the effort to help me guys.
Wow, just wow. It looks like people *did* try to help. If you want help from others you need to be ready to accept it in any form its given in.

And you are welcome James.


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