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player redirection
Hey does anyone know of how to do player redirection on css now? i know mani and beetlemod dont work but i heard theres new cvars that valve put it to enable it any1 know what they are?
As far as I know valve won't make a cvar like that, also I'm pretty sure there is no such cvar and the wiki says it's no there either.
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how is it then that i join servers and i still get redirected
Mani. or another mod.
realchamp Wrote:
Hazz Wrote:Has someone helped you on these forums? If so, help someone else
Mooga Wrote:OrangeBox is a WHORE.
those dont work for css
They actually do again Smile
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why might it be that mani admin just kicks and doesnt redirect on mine?
sorry for double post mani doesnt redirect at all and beetlesmod can only kick for reserved slot

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