SRCDS Steam group

TF 2 Server Install
ok so last night I couldn't connect to the server and today i had a buddy connect.

I'm not sure what's different but apparently it works.

Those errors don't apparently matter.

Thanks for the post about how it should be working.
how to fix:

Could not locate steam binary:./steam, ignoring.

steam is located in /home/user/srcds/
srcds_run is located in /home/user/srcds/orangebox/

The Server is working fine, but the server doesnt autoupdate ..

cYa Silent,aT
Silent.aT Wrote:[align=left]
how to fix:

Could not locate steam binary:./steam, ignoring.

If your server still runs, just ignore.

And autoupdate for TF2 on linux doesn't work as far as i know. You need to just make a script to run hldsupdatetool first before starting the server.
ahighone Wrote:ok so last night I couldn't connect to the server and today i had a buddy connect.

I'm not sure what's different but apparently it works.

Those errors don't apparently matter.

Thanks for the post about how it should be working.
To fix the Assertion Failed errors please refer to this:
I'm on a VPS.

Got everything installed, no errors that I could see. Here's the command and error I got.

Quote:./srcds_run -console -game tf + -27075 +map ctf_2fort
Auto detecting CPU
Using SSE2 Optimised binary.
Server will auto-restart if there is a crash.
failed to dlopen /home/tf2/orangebox/bin/ error=/home/tf2/orangebox/bin/ file too short
failed to dlopen bin/ error=bin/ file too short
AppFramework : Unable to load module bin/!
Unable to load interface VDataCache003 from bin/
Fri Nov 2 12:19:11 MST 2007: Server Quit

Any help on getting this working would be appreciated!


./steam -command update -game tf -dir . -verify all
Game Servers @ £1 per slot with Powerful Control Panel (Limited Offer - pick up one quickly)
Message after running:
Quote:./steam -command update -game tf -dir . -verify all
WARNING: unrecognized parameter '-verify'
WARNING: unrecognized parameter 'all'
Checking bootstrapper version ...
Updating Installation
Checking/Installing 'Team Fortress 2 Content' version 15

Checking/Installing 'Team Fortress 2 Materials' version 7

Checking/Installing 'Base Source Shared Materials' version 8

Checking/Installing 'Base Source Shared Models' version 4

Checking/Installing 'Base Source Shared Sounds' version 4

Checking/Installing 'Team Fortress 2 Linux Dedicated Server' version 9

HLDS installation up to date
sorry i mean

Game Servers @ £1 per slot with Powerful Control Panel (Limited Offer - pick up one quickly)
Ok, it looks like it's trying to work now. Got some other messages, but I'm not sure if it worked yet. I'll have to check after I leave work Smile Any clue if these are errors i need to worry about? Figure I need to change the server.cfg atleast.

Quote:./srcds_run -console -game tf + -27075 +map ctf_2fort
Auto detecting CPU
Using SSE2 Optimised binary.
Server will auto-restart if there is a crash.

Console initialized.
Game.dll loaded for "Team Fortress"
Particles: Missing 'particles/error.pcf'
maxplayers set to 24
Unknown command ""
Unknown command "startupmenu"
Network: IP, mode MP, dedicated Yes, ports 27015 SV / 27005 CL
ConVarRef room_type doesn't point to an existing ConVar
exec: couldn't exec skill1.cfg
Executing dedicated server config file
exec: couldn't exec server.cfg
Adding master server
Adding master server
Using 'steambeta1:27013' CSER server!
Connection to Steam servers successful.
VAC secure mode is activated.
Maybe i spoke to soon... just got this message

Quote:Mon Nov 5 07:31:36 MST 2007: Server Quit
So do i have to keep shell window up to keep server running? Now when I run it, it stays at the "VAC secure mode is activated" message, and I can run some console commands... like i did sv_pure 2 just to see if it was taking commands, it it was.

So, do i just leave that open? And considering I'm doing this at work, is that going to be noticeable? Or can i just close the window?

New to running the servers, so sorry if these seems like a dense question. Thanks for the previous help btw.

I just finished my server.cfg, and wanted to restart to try and see if it changed stuff.

Also, how do i actually find the map on steam? It seemed to change the ip, but i'm assuming that was so me issue with being on a VPS.
So I was wondering if there was a way to get rid of the following messages when I start up the server.

Adding master server
Adding master server

This is going to be a LAN only server so I see no need for it to connect out to the master servers.

Also I can't seem to get the server to show up under LAN even though I set the sv_lan 1.
control point Wrote:So do i have to keep shell window up to keep server running? Now when I run it, it stays at the "VAC secure mode is activated" message, and I can run some console commands... like i did sv_pure 2 just to see if it was taking commands, it it was.

So, do i just leave that open? And considering I'm doing this at work, is that going to be noticeable? Or can i just close the window?

New to running the servers, so sorry if these seems like a dense question. Thanks for the previous help btw.

I just finished my server.cfg, and wanted to restart to try and see if it changed stuff.

Also, how do i actually find the map on steam? It seemed to change the ip, but i'm assuming that was so me issue with being on a VPS.
Use the screen command
screen -dmS usernamehere
Game Servers @ £1 per slot with Powerful Control Panel (Limited Offer - pick up one quickly)
Video_Master Wrote:So I was wondering if there was a way to get rid of the following messages when I start up the server.

Adding master server
Adding master server

This is going to be a LAN only server so I see no need for it to connect out to the master servers.

Also I can't seem to get the server to show up under LAN even though I set the sv_lan 1.

Add "-nomaster" to the startup command line.
Hey all...

I am new here and to running a source dedicated server on linux, so forgive me for my inexperience here.

Here's the problem:
root@pegasus:/srcds_1# ./srcds_run -console -game tf + -27025 +maxplayers 24 +map cp_dustbowl
Invalid game type 'tf' specified.
Sun Dec 16 12:22:50 EST 2007: Server Failed
thats what I am getting every time i try to start the TF2 server. I have it installed with a complete server.cfg file, yet I still have the problem. Can someone help me?

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