SRCDS Steam group

Sounds problem.... :(
Hey all

I searched everywhere and I can't find a solution for me

but first of all, don't tell me to exec .cfg files because if I didn't then they won't download the sounds, so as other dumb replies Wink

I added the female quake sounds into stuffz/quake/ folder which is under the sound folder of srcds

they are 128bit 44.1kHZ MP3

here is my quakesoundlist.txt

"firstblood" stuffz/quake/firstblood.mp3
"humiliation" stuffz/quake/humiliation.mp3
"multikill" stuffz/quake/multikill.mp3
"monsterkill" stuffz/quake/monsterkill.mp3
"ultrakill" stuffz/quake/ultrakill.mp3
"godlike" stuffz/quake/godlike.mp3
"headshot" stuffz/quake/headshot.mp3
"dominating" stuffz/quake/dominating.mp3
"holyshit" stuffz/quake/holyshit.mp3
"killingspree" stuffz/quake/killingspree.mp3
"ludicrouskill" stuffz/quake/ludicrouskill.mp3
"prepare" stuffz/quake/prepare.mp3
"rampage" stuffz/quake/rampage.mp3
"unstoppable" stuffz/quake/unstoppable.mp3
"wickedsick" stuffz/quake/wickedsick.mp3

the clients do download the quake sounds to the correct location, which is \counter-strike source\cstrike\sound\stuffz\quake

this is weird, the default sounds for sounds and quake sounds work fine, but not the different quake sounds, or quakes in different directory... Also, I changed the directory of the default sounds in admin_plugin to stuffz, and edited the soundlist:
"Waiting For Suspect" stuffz/waitingforsuspect.mp3
"Don't just stand there, pick up the gun and shoot it !" stuffz/dontjuststandthere.wav
"Who ate all the donuts ?" stuffz/donuteater.wav
"Do you smell something ?" stuffz/doyousmell.wav
"With my brains and your brawn we'll make an excellent team" stuffz/excellentteam.wav

"Hello" stuffz/hellosoft.wav
"Don't ask me" stuffz/dontaskme.wav
"Could it get any worse than this ?" stuffz/getanyworse.wav
"See ya later" stuffz/seeya.wav
"Oh you'll pay, you will definately pay !!" stuffz/youwillpay.wav

"Laughing sounds" stuffz/laugh.wav
"Move !!" stuffz/move.wav
"Good luck out there, you're gonna need it" stuffz/goodluck.mp3
"1069er 1069er We got whores in the city, we need backup now, cmon" stuffz/whores.wav
"I am the great Cornholio" stuffz/cornholio.wav

and the clients do download the sounds, but they just don't work

I get the error file probably missing from disk/repository, but the file is right there...with correct properties.

also the startvoting and other default sounds from mani admin package in actions folder won't work either is my downloadurl

server is at if u wanna take a look

thanks for whoever replies
[Image: animeGirl.png]
What do you have sv_pure set to?
manofphat Wrote:What do you have sv_pure set to?

sv_pure 2

will that affect the sound system!?
[Image: animeGirl.png]
Yes. You need to edit your whitelist so sounds are allowed.
Let me know if you are successful.
Yes it worked, thanks manofphat
[Image: animeGirl.png]
Could you please post your sv_pure_whitelist for others that will be experiencing this problem? Smile
manofphat Wrote:Could you please post your sv_pure_whitelist for others that will be experiencing this problem? Smile

Ahh of couse!


and find
sound\...            from_steam

change it to
sound\...             allow_from_disk

Then restart the server Smile
[Image: animeGirl.png]
Thanks dude Smile
Yeah thanks guys, that helped me.
realchamp Wrote:
Hazz Wrote:Has someone helped you on these forums? If so, help someone else
Mooga Wrote:OrangeBox is a WHORE.

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