SRCDS Steam group

Gmod and Css servers
Ok, I have got my Gmod server coming up on the main server list but my Css server still won't show up!

I am running them at the sametime by the way. Does anyone have any ideas?
Make sure the ports are open for the second server also!
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Drocona Wrote:Make sure the ports are open for the second server also!

Hmmm....I have DMZ enabled for the server, so.....
ok any firewalls you might have forgotten about?
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Drocona Wrote:ok any firewalls you might have forgotten about?

Nope, windows firewall is off.
try for the css server typing the following in your server properties exe

+port 27020
+port 30000

or something diff then gmod b/c its on port 27015 too i think.
Make sure to forward ports even with dmz on.

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